Needy People in Your Life

5 Signs of Needy People in Your Life and How to Deal with Them

Needy people can be in all areas of our lives, and they can latch on to others in an attempt to deal with low self-esteem issues. At first, it can be hard to spot a needy person, but the worse things get the more time and effort it can take up on a daily basis. In friendships, it can be difficult to handle,…

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Codependent Relationship

5 Signs You’re in a Codependent Relationship and What to Do about It

Codependent behaviour is a dysfunction within a relationship that is one-sided. What are the signs of a codependent relationship? The main symptoms are one-half of the relationship relying solely on the other to provide almost all of their emotional needs and self-esteem. In more extreme cases, this can lead to one-half of the relationship enabling and even supporting the other’s irresponsible or addictive…

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Avoidance Behavior

Avoidance Behavior: Why It’s a Relationship Killer and How to Deal with It

You know how you distance yourself in relationships from fear of being rejected? Yes, that’s one form of avoidance. There are healthy relationships and then there are dysfunctional ones as well. Then there is something in between these two, which creates a tense atmosphere of uncertainty. Something called avoidance behavior can make otherwise perfectly healthy relationships suddenly take a sharp turn. This leaves…

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Big Ego

Signs That You Have a Too Big Ego and How It Can Ruin Your Life

Do you have a big ego? If you do, your conversations might start with 'I,' 'Me,' and 'My.' According to renowned psychologist Sigmund Freud, our egos regulate our impulses. They remind us to take socially responsible actions. But an over-inflated ego may cause us to become self-serving and seek immediate gratification. This self-centeredness can destroy relationships. How would you know if your ego…

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Karmic Relationship

What Is a Karmic Relationship and 7 Signs You Are in One

A karmic relationship may easily get confused with a soulmate connection, however, these two are actually much different. While both karmic lovers and soulmates are people whom you feel deep connections with, only soulmates are meant to spend your life with you. Karmic relationships, on the other hand, are meant to be intense yet brief. Entering your life only to teach you a lesson,…

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Nerdy Girl Best Girlfriend

8 Reasons A Nerdy Girl Is the Best Girlfriend

There are many different types of women out there, but when it comes to girlfriends nerdy girls are hands down the best. Here are 8 reasons why you should date a nerdy girl. When you choose a girlfriend it always behooves you to look past shallow aspects such as image. Your relationship will be much stronger when you date someone who you connect with…

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Relationship Types

It Turns out, There Are Just 5 Relationship Types

Love comes in all shapes and sizes, but did you know that you can categorize most love stories into five relationship types? Have you ever thought about what type of relationship you are in? Of course, everybody has their own experiences with love, likely both good and bad. It’s a smart idea to recognize what relationship types you are involved in. Once you…

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Defense Mechanisms

5 Defense Mechanisms That Are Killing Your Relationship

As human beings, we use defense mechanisms from time to time whether we realize it or not. This is fine...until it starts getting in the way of your relationships. Defense mechanisms are psychological techniques that we use unconsciously to cope with things like stress and anxiety. For example, if something highly traumatic in happens in your life you may mentally block out the memory…

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