Your Partner Has Avoidant Attachment Style

10 Signs Your Partner Has an Avoidant Attachment Style and How to Deal with Them

Does your partner's avoidant attachment style rattle your nerves? It's frustrating when someone is unresponsive to your attempts at bonding or kindness. You may suspect that your significant other has an avoidant attachment style but aren't sure. Here are the signs that he or she does and how to deal with them. What Is an Avoidant Attachment Style? Avoidant Attachment sounds like an…

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Karmic Relationship

What Is a Karmic Relationship and 7 Signs You Are in One

A karmic relationship may easily get confused with a soulmate connection, however, these two are actually much different. While both karmic lovers and soulmates are people whom you feel deep connections with, only soulmates are meant to spend your life with you. Karmic relationships, on the other hand, are meant to be intense yet brief. Entering your life only to teach you a lesson,…

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Nerdy Girl Best Girlfriend

8 Reasons A Nerdy Girl Is the Best Girlfriend

There are many different types of women out there, but when it comes to girlfriends nerdy girls are hands down the best. Here are 8 reasons why you should date a nerdy girl. When you choose a girlfriend it always behooves you to look past shallow aspects such as image. Your relationship will be much stronger when you date someone who you connect with…

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Relationship Types

It Turns out, There Are Just 5 Relationship Types

Love comes in all shapes and sizes, but did you know that you can categorize most love stories into five relationship types? Have you ever thought about what type of relationship you are in? Of course, everybody has their own experiences with love, likely both good and bad. It’s a smart idea to recognize what relationship types you are involved in. Once you…

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Defense Mechanisms

5 Defense Mechanisms That Are Killing Your Relationship

As human beings, we use defense mechanisms from time to time whether we realize it or not. This is fine...until it starts getting in the way of your relationships. Defense mechanisms are psychological techniques that we use unconsciously to cope with things like stress and anxiety. For example, if something highly traumatic in happens in your life you may mentally block out the memory…

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Unloved Daughters

6 Ways That Unloved Daughters Struggle In Life

An unloved daughter will have a harder life than most, no matter how rich or privileged she is in other ways. When a child does not receive proper affection from her family, she will not develop the social skills necessary to form healthy relationships. Even if unloved daughters find love later in life, they will always be affected negatively by their loveless parents.…

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What Makes Someone Attractive

Study Finds What Makes Someone Attractive (and It’s Not Good Looks)

Think you know what really makes people attractive to the opposite sex? If you had to guess, what traits would you suggest? Someone who is good-looking, with a nice physique and who is easy to get on with? Surprisingly, researchers found none of these common physical traits top of the list of what makes someone truly attractive. Instead, participants in two ground-breaking studies…

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Powerful women Relationships

5 Reasons Powerful Women Are Unhappy in Relationships

Powerful women seem like they have it all; an important career, a great image and the ability to be independent. What more could one want? It’s no surprise that many women aspire to be powerful, as with power comes wonderful things. If a woman is powerful she’s less likely to be taken advantage of. If she has the power she does not have…

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