Early Diabetes Symptoms

Early Diabetes Symptoms You Probably Didn’t Know about But Should

Diabetes symptoms can be detected early enough to make sure you go to the doctor before the situation gets serious. Are you worried that you, your child or someone you know, may have diabetes? Most early diabetes symptoms are from higher-than-normal levels of glucose, a kind of sugar, in your blood. It is very important for everyone to know these signs so you…

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Rosemary - Improve Memory

Study Finds Sniffing Rosemary Can Improve Memory by up to 75%!

Would you believe that a plant can improve memory in a miraculous way? Scientific research shows that it is a reality. Sometimes the most incredible things are right under our noses. The magical memory cure that so many people do not know about has to do with sniffing one of the most common plants in the world – rosemary. Rosemary is most commonly…

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Reboiling Water Is Dangerous for Your Health

Reboiling Water Is Dangerous for Your Health: Why You Should Never Do It Again

Did you know that reboiling water is bad for your health? What does ‘reboiling’ actually mean? It’s very simple. Reboiling water is when you boil it once, let it cool down and then boil it again. Most of us do it all the time without thinking. Doesn’t sound very dangerous, does it? However, some scientists believe that reboiling water is incredibly bad for…

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water on an empty stomach

What Happens When You Drink a Glass of Water on an Empty Stomach Right after Waking up

This is why drinking water on an empty stomach is the first thing you should do in the morning. Japanese water therapy is incredibly popular in the Land of the Rising Sun - Japanese people have known this simple practice for centuries (if not for thousands of years!) and have been using it to cure many health conditions, from headaches to even cancer.…

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eye color raw diet
Eyes before and after raw food diet (Image courtesy of Kristina Fully Raw)

How Raw Food Diet Changed This Woman’s Eye Color

Do you think it may be possible for your eyes to change color by a raw food diet? The eyes are not only a window to your soul but a window to your internal health too. Quite a few claims have been made that some people experienced improved vision or that their eye color changed to blue or light gray due to their…

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Sunlight Deficiency

Sunlight Deficiency Is as Deadly as Smoking, Study Finds

Do you avoid sun rays? Well, stop doing it because sunlight deficiency is bad for your health. The Journal of Internal Medicine has let loose some incredible research about our changing health. It has revealed that sunlight deficiency is as bad for us as smoking! The Swedish study conducted its research on around 30,000 women, assessing the differences in sun exposure and subsequent…

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the Power of Music Enhance Your Health

Let the Power of Music Enhance Your Health and Outlook

The power of music provides a number of benefits related to our health. Most of us have heard the expression, “music soothes the savage breast.” What is stated in poetry is sometimes validated by reality. Many people can attest to the power of music to improve their state of mind, release stress, and foster self-expression. Some studies have shown that music also has…

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Overlooked Ways To Keep Your Testosterone Production Healthy

5 Overlooked Ways to Keep Your Testosterone Production Healthy

Most articles on increasing testosterone production levels share similar advice... Eat healthy fats — like fish and mixed nuts, sleep well, reduce stress, strengthen your leg muscles; and, while most of these tips do work, there are a few other tips for increasing testosterone production naturally that are often overlooked, or not very well-known. Hopefully, you can use these 5 tips, and further…

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