Cerebral Palsy Causes

6 Cerebral Palsy Causes and Symptoms in Babies

Cerebral palsy is a life-changing condition, and it disheartens a parent to know that his or her child has it. All parents should know about this condition. This article discusses cerebral palsy causes in babies and their signs. It also explores coping mechanisms. What Is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral Palsy is a birth disorder that affects muscle tone, motor skills, and movement. A child…

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Silent Treatment in a Relationship

Why Silent Treatment in a Relationship Is Damaging and How to Deal with It

Hands up who has given their partner the silent treatment in a relationship? Now let’s have another show of hands for all those that didn’t think it caused their partners any real pain? Would you be surprised to learn that silent treatment in a relationship causes actual physical pain? This is because ignoring someone activates the same area of the brain that responds…

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Trust Your Gut Feeling about Relationships

Should You Trust Your Gut Feeling about Relationships?

Should you trust your gut feeling about relationships? Go with your gut. Trust your gut feelings. Follow your instincts. How many times have we heard this advice? But is there such a thing as a gut feeling about relationships and can science prove it? Actually, there is scientific evidence that suggests gut feelings have a very solid biological base. And it’s all to…

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Decision-Making Skills

What Are Decision-Making Skills? And 10 Science-Backed Ways to Develop Them

When you have good decision-making skills, you make better choices in life. How can you develop and improve your ability to make decisions? What is a decision? We’ll take the simplest definition of the concept. This is what the dictionary says about it: a determination arrived at after consideration. The Business Dictionary takes things a bit further: a decision is a choice made…

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Underestimated Qualities of a Shy Guy

10 Underestimated Qualities of a Shy Guy (and What You Should Know Before Dating One)

Contrary to society’s wrong perceptions, a relationship with a shy guy can be happy and rewarding due to his underestimated qualities. For many years, society has portrayed the ideal husband/boyfriend as a confident, strong, dominant and fearless man. While those qualities may indeed inspire security and safety, they do not always describe the character of a loving partner, who can happen to be…

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how to make people like you

How to Make People Like You with These 15 Psychological Hacks

Do you want to know how to make people like you? If so, did you know that scientists have researched this very subject and found psychological reasons why we naturally gravitate to some and not others? Some of their findings you might not have heard of and have fancy names like spontaneous trait transference. Others are more familiar like mirroring body language. So…

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Chaga Mushroom and How to Consume It for Health Benefits

Chaga Mushroom and How to Consume It for Health Benefits

A common fungus that grows on trees in the northern hemisphere is the star of many homemade dishes. The Chaga Mushroom has a distinguishing feature - orange tissue in its center. It has astounding health benefits that will leave you wondering why you haven't tried it already. We introduce you to its beneficial properties and show you how it can boost your health. What…

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New Relationship Anxiety

6 Signs You Have New Relationship Anxiety and How to Cope with It

When you have new relationship anxiety, you will worry too much about everything that has to do with your relationship. How to know for sure? Check out the signs below. Being in a new relationship is wonderful. Once you’ve managed to form a new relationship, you’re going to feel like you’re at the top of the world. However, new relationship anxiety may spoil…

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