Stages of drunkenness

The 5 Stages of Drunkenness Shown in 100-Year-Old Photos

These five photographs by a talented photographer from the mid-19th century portray the stages of drunkenness. Since our cave ancestors had the first taste of overripe pear or plum and swallowed the alcohol-rich fruits they figured out that there is something strange in this new sensation. The human race is enjoying the benefits of ethanol, ethyl alcohol, or simply ... alcohol for millennia…

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The Effects of Giving Up Alcohol Showed in 20 Before and After Photos

The Effects of Giving Up Alcohol Shown in 20 Before and After Photos

Would you like to actually see the effects of giving up alcohol? These before and after photos will show you why you should cut it a little this Christmas. It can be so nice to go out on the town and just not have a care in the world. Everything fades away for a few hours, but then the morning after comes. With…

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This guy quit alcohol and coffee for 15 months

This Guy Quit Alcohol and Coffee for 15 Months and Here’s What Happened

Have you ever thought of quitting alcohol and coffee to see what happens? If you haven't, here is some food for your thought. Alcohol and coffee are two substances that many people consume regularly. They can both be addictive and extremely costly, not to mention the long-term impact on your health, and yet we all accept them as a part of our social…

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Reduce the Risk of cancer

These Four Things Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer

A new study showed that by doing a few lifestyle changes, we can greatly reduce the risk of cancer. Did you know that there are over 200 types of cancer? Endless research and studies have gone into discovering cures and remedies for this high number of variants, and some therapy and treatment has been incredibly effective in the last few years. But while…

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Gingerbread Man

10 Warm Drinks with Alcohol You Should Try This Winter

As the winter sets in, everyone is at their best to keep themselves warm throughout the chilly season. Apart from dressing warmly and staying indoors, there are also warm drinks that can provide the necessary heat for your body. Here are ten amazing warm drinks with alcohol you probably haven’t known of. Please keep in mind that this is meant for individuals over…

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Help Loved Ones with Alcohol Problems

Stepping Into Help Loved Ones with Alcohol Problems

Alcohol problems are part of the social fabric of this country. We use it to celebrate triumphs, ease the pain of defeats, and as a means of breaking the ice in social interactions. However, a lot of people have alcohol problems, and sometimes our beloved ones become victims of alcohol addiction. When used properly, alcohol is moderately harmless, and can even have some…

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The Little Known Factor That Can Ruin Your Life

The Little Known Factor That Can Ruin Your Life

If you want to improve your life, you must overcome alcoholism and substance abuse. An estimated 13 million Americans suffer from substance abuse, with 2 million problem drinkers. If you belong to this group, then you must put it behind you to advance your life. Here are some ways addiction can ruin your life: More Than a Health Risk When it comes to…

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