Some advice on how to establish social connections, build strong and long-lasting romantic relationships and communicate effectively with the people from various areas of your life, such as the workplace, friend circle and family environment.

Date a Person Who Accepts You the Way You Are

3 Reasons You Should Date a Person Who Accepts You the Way You Are

Why should you date a person who accepts you the way you are? Well – the way you are can mean different things. There are a few possible scenarios. We should be clear about which one we’re in before proceeding. Scenario #1: You’re with someone who doesn’t accept you the way you are because you behave in an unacceptable manner. You have a…

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Signs Bearing Mother's Insecurities

10 Signs You Are Bearing Your Mother’s Insecurities (and How to Get Rid of Them)

You feel insignificant, unwanted, and incompetent. You struggle with self-doubt and are not sure what its source is. And yet, you have grown so accustomed to these emotions that you cannot imagine living in another, better way. Many daughters encounter such maelstroms, thanks to the negative relationships they have with their mothers. You may have such insecurities but be unaware of them. Before…

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Check Every Relationship in Your Life

Check Every Relationship in Your Life with These Three Simple Questions

Every relationship we have is a reflection of our state of being. Therapists have long been telling us that whom we surround ourselves with (our friends and partners) is often a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. For example, if we have friends who consistently let us down, cancel plans and are generally unreliable these people don’t care about our feelings. This…

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Deal Judgmental People

How to Deal with Judgmental People in 10 Effective Ways

Before you can deal with judgmental people you must first understand a few facts about them, and about negative criticism. “Even God doesn't judge a man till his last days, why should you and I?”- Dale Carnegie Motivational speaker Dale Carnegie had wise words about judgment. It stings, and there is every reason to discount it. You may respond to this by asking…

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7 Personality Traits

7 Personality Traits Viewed as Flaws That Actually Make You More Endearing

Do you believe that you have some 'bad' personality traits? Below are some personality traits that shouldn’t be viewed as flaws but instead endearing traits that a lot of people “suffer” with. 1. You embarrass easily The physical signs of embarrassment are often worse than the event themselves. The flushed cheeks, the light sweating, perhaps even excessive chatter can lead people to surgery…

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Physical Traits Women Judge

8 Physical Traits Women Judge Male Attractiveness by, According to Science

Do you know what physical traits women are more attracted to? Science finally gives the answer! Personality is key if a relationship is to last long term however there are certain physical traits that a woman will judge a man by before she will go on a date with him. 1. Facial hair A study undertaken in Australia concluded that men who have…

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Relationship Myths Stop Believing

7 Relationship Myths You Should Stop Believing to Be Happy

Are you ready to debunk some relationship myths? If you’ve had or are having trouble in your relationship, you’ve probably received lots of advice. Sometimes it seems like everybody who has ever been married/in a relationship or knows anyone who has ever been married thinks that he or she actually holds the secret to guaranteeing endless love and happiness. And they are always…

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psychological dependence relationships

5 Signs of Psychological Dependence in a Relationship

Psychological dependence, which is found in many forms in human beings, is a component of addiction. Unlike physical dependence, which occurs in pursuit of a reward, psychological dependence develops from the fear of having something which seems to reduce pain taken away from us. Psychological dependencies can occur in relation to food, drugs, shopping, and even physical exercise. One of the most common areas…

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