Health and wellness tips on how to cope with physical and mental health issues and maintain a balance of the mind and body to feel healthy and happy.

Home Remedies for Itchy Sunburn

10 Best Home Remedies for Itchy Sunburn

Itchy sunburn is a serious problem if you aren't careful, but there are some natural ways to treat it before you decide to go to the doctor. We all love the sun. It makes us happy. Laying out in the sun is relaxing, and can even be good for your health. But it can be too much, and indulging in the sun's rays…

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What Your Feet Say about Your Health: 10 Warning Things to Pay Attention to

What Your Feet Say about Your Health: 10 Warning Things to Pay Attention to

Knowing and understanding what your feet say about your health can really help you to learn more about your body. Whether you are experiencing pain in your feet or have simply noticed something unusual about their appearance, there might be another reason why. Your feet are so inextricably linked to your body and any symptoms that you might be feeling could be a…

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Remove face blemishes

How to Remove Face Blemishes Using This Old Indian Recipe

If you want to remove face blemishes, nature has the solution! Ever came across or rather suffered from dark pigmentation of the skin? So what are its causes? The causes can be either internal or external. Internal causes are mostly genetic and people with darker skin are usually more susceptible. External causes are usually environment-related; too much exposure to the sun, industrial chemicals…

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emotional pain chart

Emotional Pain Chart: What Negative Emotions Are Doing to Your Body

This emotional pain chart will show you how your body reacts to your negative emotions. We experience an array of emotions every day - anything from happiness to sadness to extreme joy and even depression. Our body responds to the way we think, feel, and act. This is one type of “mind/body connection.” Each emotion creates a different feeling within the body: it…

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Bottle with vinegar

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Vinegar Every Day

The health claims of vinegar are well-documented. Medical journals and health magazines have been championing the powers of different types of vinegar for generations. Those include the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), the cleaning powers of White Wine Vinegar (WWV), and the cholesterol-balancing Balsamic Vinegar (BV). So what happens when you drink some of these types of vinegar every day? Most types…

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Difference between a headache and a migraine and how to prevent both

What Is the Difference between a Headache and a Migraine & How to Prevent Both?

There is a basic difference between a headache and a migraine. Almost all of us experience a headache from time to time, which is a normal thing and can be caused by various relatively harmless and understandable things, such as tiredness or an extra glass of wine the night before. When you are experiencing pressure or pain in your head, it can be…

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Relieve foot pain fast and easily

Relieve Foot Pain Fast with These 10 Natural Remedies

Relieve foot pain fast and easily by using the top 10 natural remedies below. Most of these techniques can be done in the comfort of your home. Let’s get started! 1. Foot Massage Foot reflexology studies show massaging the feet correctly can be relaxing and therapeutic. It is indicated for ankle injuries, plantar fasciitis, and your every day sore feet. 2. Calendula Cream…

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Reduce the Risk of cancer

These Four Things Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer

A new study showed that by doing a few lifestyle changes, we can greatly reduce the risk of cancer. Did you know that there are over 200 types of cancer? Endless research and studies have gone into discovering cures and remedies for this high number of variants, and some therapy and treatment has been incredibly effective in the last few years. But while…

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