Things to Discuss Before Marriage

7 Things to Discuss Before Marriage to Make Sure It’s the Right Decision

Marriage is perhaps the biggest decision you ever make. It is about deciding to spend your life with one person, having a family with them, and being a part of their family. You must be very sure about going ahead, even if you love the person and know them well. Ensuring that you share the same values, beliefs, goals, and plans is the…

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Warning Signs Of Trauma Bonding

10 Warning Signs It’s Trauma Bonding and Not Love

It might be tempting to disregard any red flags that may develop at the start of a new relationship since you sense an instant spark or quick connection. Due to the passion and intensity of the newly formed relationship, we often overlook these warning signs. If you're not self-aware, "true love" might actually turn out to be a trauma connection. It can be…

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3 Tips to Boost Productivity at Work

3 Ways to Boost Productivity at Work

Whether you are working from home or are already back working in your office, productivity is something that you probably struggle with nowadays. With technology now literally at our arms reach that we can always bring with us wherever we go, it's easy to fall victim to distractions at work. As we become more technologically advanced and our work culture evolves, we should find better ways…

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Ways to Calm Your Mind Before Bed

5 Simple Ways to Calm Your Mind Before Bed

Your immune system can fight off whatever is thrown at it, such as colds or other common ailments if your body is well-rested. Sleep deprivation can even lead to heart problems such as high blood pressure. Lack of sleep causes your body to release cortisol, a stress hormone that causes your heart to work harder that can cause heart attacks. If you sleep…

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Buying a Gift for a Child

Buying a Gift for a Child? Consider These 6 Factors

Of all the challenges that parenting brings, you’d think that choosing a present for your little one is one of the easiest. Unfortunately, finding the right gift for a child can be incredibly frustrating and even a little confusing if you’re unsure what to look for. Sadly, as they get older and move away from stuffed animals and brightly colored plastic playthings, it…

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Tips for Your Family for Making Healthy Food Choices

9 Tips for Your Family for Making Healthy Food Choices

Healthy eating is vital for families. Not only do healthy food choices boost the wellbeing of your children and help in the prevention of obesity, but they set them up with good eating habits for the future. Your health also benefits from all those vitamins and minerals gleaned from fresh food and choosing the healthiest you can get. Here's how you can instill…

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Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health

6 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health

It's easy for mental health to suffer when life is busy. Between work, family, a social life, and hobbies, you’ve got enough on your plate. Adding one more thing to the list, such as your mental wellness, might feel like the last thing you want to do. One in five American adults experienced some form of mental illness in 2019. Clearly, the effects…

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I Married the Wrong Person How to Be Sure

‘I Married the Wrong Person’: How to Be Sure and What to Do?

If you’re stuck in an unhappy marriage, you know the signs. The disconnection. The loud fighting or the silence of a cold war. The loneliness. His glaring, intolerable flaws. And the grief as you fear you’ve made a huge mistake. If only you hadn’t married the wrong person, none of this would be happening, right? Should you get a divorce? After all, it…

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