Use Yoga to Get Better Sleep

How to Use Yoga to Get Better Sleep

The emphasis on getting a good night’s sleep is gaining more and more momentum. However, this is one thing we all tend to forgo, given our hectic lifestyle. Keeping your mind and body calm and relaxed will allow you to sleep well. And, yoga is one of the best body-mind relaxing techniques that you could try. So, how exactly does yoga help in getting…

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Yoga For Your Winter Tune Up

This Is Why Winter Yoga Should Become a Part of Your Life

While many are picking up expensive gym memberships, and enrolling at name-brand studios to get started on their new year's resolution. Here’s a tip, you don’t have to! Try winter yoga instead! Yoga is an incredibly beneficial exercise for your winter tune-up. No matter your age, ailments, or previous health issues, yoga can help you become fit without breaking your bank (or touching…

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get yourself to meditate

Three Quick and Simple Ways to Get Yourself to Meditate

Have you ever found yourself wondering how other people manage to fit so much into their lives? Their social life is packed, their house is always tidy and they even find the time to do yoga or meditate. The thing is we’re programmed to believe that some tasks look bigger than they actually are. Do you also believe that you are too busy…

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Ways That Yoga has Helped Me

7 Ways That Yoga has Helped Me

Yoga has really helped me to center on the here and now. After dealing with anxiety for as long as I can remember, I have always looked for other ways to keep myself calmer. I really struggle to keep myself in the here and now at times, always worrying about things that haven’t happened yet. It’s been crippling at times as it’s not…

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5 Meaningful Methods of Meditation You Should Practice Daily

There’s a myriad of methods for meditation. Some are easy and some are difficult. All require daily practice to perfect. Here are five of the most popular methods of meditation and what they each bring to the Meditation Table. Here’s why You Should Mix them for Maximum Mindfulness. MINDFULNESS, OR SPIRITUAL METHOD: A most popular method comes from Buddhist meditation practice of Vipassana.…

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high-intensity workout and stretch

A High-Intensity Workout + Stretch You Can Use All Summer

It only takes stretching and a regular high-intensity workout to stay in shape this summer. Why not try this out! Maybe the last thing you want to do is a high-intensity workout, I know I get reluctant to take this plunge on a regular basis. I used to work out like this, even partaking of a daily stretch before my workout began. Even…

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highly sensitive person

Life-Changing Tips for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

The empathic ability allows you to read and understand people’s energy. This ability may be genetic, passing from generation to generation. You may share this ability with a relative, so look at your family tree; does anyone else seem to fit the description? Empaths have the ability to scan another’s energy for thoughts, feelings and possibly for past, present, and future life occurrences.…

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