Tantra Yoga

Tantra Yoga: 5 Ways Western People Have Got It All Wrong about This Yoga Style

Most people in the West misinterpret what the Tantra yoga is about. Here are 5 ways Westernization has affected this yoga style. During the year I spent working on my yoga practice in Thailand I came into contact with some amazing teachers. Many of them were eager to engage in lengthy conversations about yoga practice, the current state of the “yoga industry” and…

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Non-Medicinal Ways of Combating Chronic Pain

Top 4 Non-Medicinal Ways to Deal with Chronic Pain That Actually Work

Have you been suffering from chronic pain for a long time, desperately trying to find ways to deal with it? If yes, you must be thinking that there are only 2 ways out, either take pain killers or fight it out. Medical professionals are nowadays recommending natural pain relief alternatives like yoga, acupuncture, and hypnosis through which patients may feel better. In fact,…

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great tourist destinations

5 Great Tourist Destinations around the Globe Where You Can Improve Your Health

Do you want to rejuvenate mentally and physically? These great tourist destinations will let you combine a vacation with health improvement. Some people travel the world to party. Some people pack their bags to gaze their eyes upon beautiful architectures of the distant countries while some just like to travel and runaway into a tropical paradise to relax and just enjoy their time.…

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Brain Exercises Make You Smarter

5 Awesome Brain Exercises That Will Make You Smarter

Brain exercises keep our brain healthy and help prevent mental diseases The brain is the most important part of the human body, and like our body, it too, ages. Since all physicians emphasize the significance of physical exercises to keep our bodies active, they also encourage brain exercises. Brain exercises not only keep our minds sharp and spirited but also help in keeping…

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Naturally Stimulate Vagus Nerve

How to Naturally Stimulate Vagus Nerve to Stop Migraines, Inflammation and Depression!

You may have already heard of the vagus nerve in one of your school biology lessons. It's the longest nerve in your body and is found right behind where you feel for your pulse. One of 12 cranial nerves, this super nerve starts in the brainstem and runs all the way to your abdomen, cutting through your heart, esophagus and your lungs. Known…

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How Yoga Changed Me

How Yoga Changed Me and Revolutionized My Quality of Life

It is probable that you will have read numerous articles about how yoga/veganism/moving to a new country etc. “changed my life”, this is not one of those stories. Yoga didn’t change my life, it changed me. I have been practicing yoga since I was 16 (I even taught some school friends what I knew). 4 years ago I began a new style of…

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Correct Your Posture With These Yoga Poses

Correct Your Posture With These Yoga Poses

Does your back stiffen while you bend? Or have you been experiencing intense pain in your shoulders and neck? If your answer is a yes, then it is the time you pay close attention to your posture. Sitting for long hours in front of the posture coupled with a sedentary lifestyle can lead to slouching and with time, you will be having a…

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Natural Ways To Handle Stress

Top 5 Natural Ways to Handle Stress, Tension and Anxiety

Stress is an epidemic that everyone succumbs to in life at least once. When you come under stress, your body sets off an alarm as if it is in danger, triggering a flight or fight response. Handling stress is essential to enjoying your life in a smooth way, without physical, physiological, and psychological obstacles. There are easy to do things which when incorporated…

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