Overlooked Ways To Keep Your Testosterone Production Healthy

5 Overlooked Ways to Keep Your Testosterone Production Healthy

Most articles on increasing testosterone production levels share similar advice... Eat healthy fats — like fish and mixed nuts, sleep well, reduce stress, strengthen your leg muscles; and, while most of these tips do work, there are a few other tips for increasing testosterone production naturally that are often overlooked, or not very well-known. Hopefully, you can use these 5 tips, and further…

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Health Benefits of Love

11 Surprising Health Benefits of Love You Didn’t Know about

Did you know that love can actually boost your well-being? Take a look at this infographic to learn about the proven health benefits of love. Spring is in the air. As the temperatures rise and the flowers burst forth, our thoughts are naturally turning to love. Have you noticed? People in love seem to glow from within. They step more lightly and handle…

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best countries to live in

These Are the Top 10 Best Countries to Live in, According to Gallup Survey

Gallup and Healthways recently released an annual survey that looked into well-being around the globe and there are some interesting things to draw from the survey. The research inaugurated last year and aimed at ranking countries in the realm of five categories did over 146,000 surveys in 145 countries. So in which countries do the happiest people live, according to the results of…

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Himalayan Salt Lamps

How to Improve Your Home and Well-being with Himalayan Salt Lamps

With the changing of seasons, come increased allergies, colds, the flu virus, and the dreaded “winter blues.” You may do your part to prevent these conditions with proper handwashing, diet, rest, and exercise for example, but there happens to be another relaxing and fun way to increase your well-being and prevent illness, Himalayan salt lamps. Himalayan salt lamps are a great addition to…

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mind-body connection and the Feldenkrais method

The Mind-Body Connection and the Feldenkrais Method: How Exercise Can Improve Your Wellbeing

We've all been there at some point or another; one day we try to get up from the bed and its system shut down. A neck strain, a back pain, or a nerve tugging in all the wrong places, or stiffness in the joints and muscles can start one day and go on forever, bringing down your mood and general health. Not to…

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Meditation Without the Mystique- A Guide for Sceptics

Meditation Without the Mystique: A Guide for Sceptics

Many people are nervous about the idea of meditation; they see it as a religious practice and would rather steer clear. But meditation has plenty to offer for even the most diehard atheist. Meditation: Not Just a Craze for Spiritual Fanatics Meditation has been practiced in India for centuries as a way to achieve physical and psychological well-being. But in the skeptical West,…

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pets - mental health

Can Pets Really Enhance Mental Health and Wellbeing?

It’s thought that about 450 million people worldwide have a mental health problem and, closer to home, one in four British adults will experience some sort of mental disorder each year – with depression and anxiety the most widespread. Along with more traditional treatments such as talking therapies and medication, Caroline Griffith, animal well-being expert and Communications Manager at natural and raw pet food manufacturer Natures…

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10 Simple Ways To Relax Every Day

10 Simple Ways To Relax Every Day

The pace of our culture is increasing at an astonishing rate. While this speed certainly has its benefits and conveniences for our outer lives, they come at a great cost to our inner world. For as all of the wisdom traditions teach, well-being can only be cultivated when you take time every day to slow down and turn inward. So as fabulous as…

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