Watch Too Much TV

If You Watch Too Much TV, Here Is What Happens to Your Body and Mind

Your parents have probably warned you about the effects of watching too much TV has on your mental and physical health. Were they right? Let’s see. Most of us cannot remember a time before television. While growing up the TV was a constant presence in front of the sofa. But over time TV has moved out of the lounge. We can watch TV…

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Gut Health

6 Remarkable Ways Your Gut Health Affects Your Life and How to Restore It

We take pains to take care of our hearts, lungs, skin, and weight, but we often forget our gut health. Consequently, we don't pay enough attention to what put in our bodies. But our digestive system impacts our well-being in profound ways. A healthy gut keeps our brains and psyche in tip-top shape. .It also helps us look our best. 6 Remarkable Ways…

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Surround Yourself with Empowering People

What Happens When You Surround Yourself with Empowering People

It is said that you are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with. So what if you surround yourself with empowering people? People you hang out with do matter for your wellbeing and personal development. It’s important to think about whom you are spending your time with, as they will directly influence who you are as a…

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words and phrases

Common Words and Phrases That Program Your Body for Illness

You may not realize it, but what you say may affect your well-being more profoundly than you think. The words and phrases you use can either boost or destroy your health. Research by famed German psychotherapist Nossrat Peseschkian supports this theory. It reveals that the negative things we say may introduce illness in our bodies. How our language affects our body There is…

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Balance Chakras 7 Essential Oils

How to Balance Chakras with the Help of 7 Essential Oils

Unbalanced chakras can be the reason for emotional problems or physical ones. These essential oils can help balance chakras. Chakras are believed to be points of energy in the body that help us to regulate our bodily processes. There are seven chakras in the human body: Root Sacral Solar Plexus Heart Throat Third eye4 Crown The seven chakras are associated with certain locations on…

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Effects of Stress Health Well-Being

The Effects of Stress on Your Health and Well-Being: What You Need to Know

Research institutions from around the world have been making progress in understanding the effects of stress on the human body and their link with a variety of health problems. Stress has been linked to increased rates of heart disease, digestive issues, asthma, and various types of addiction. It is important to recognize the signs that you are being negatively affected by stress and…

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Boost Physical Emotional Well-Being

How to Boost Your Physical and Emotional Well-Being with These 5 Tips

The key to having the highest quality of life will rest in feeling as well as possible. This means taking care of your both your physical and emotional well-being. There are certain things you can do on a daily basis that will allow you to have a more positive outlook and be healthier, as well as happier when you put these to work.…

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Happiest Countries World Their Secret

Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World: What Is Their Secret?

Which are the happiest countries on Earth? You may be surprised by what really makes people who live in these countries feel happy. You might have read many theories about happiness and its definition. But basically, it can be broken down into two theories; Happy people accept the bad things that happen to them and believe that they will survive no matter what.…

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