Avoidance Behavior

Avoidance Behavior: Why It’s a Relationship Killer and How to Deal with It

You know how you distance yourself in relationships from fear of being rejected? Yes, that’s one form of avoidance. There are healthy relationships and then there are dysfunctional ones as well. Then there is something in between these two, which creates a tense atmosphere of uncertainty. Something called avoidance behavior can make otherwise perfectly healthy relationships suddenly take a sharp turn. This leaves…

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mental health disorders

Mental Health Disorders: How to Cope When Your Loved One Is Diagnosed

Mental health disorders are becoming more and more of a problem throughout the world. What to do if your child or loved one is diagnosed? These disorders should be taken very seriously because they can affect the ailing individual’s moods, thoughts, and behaviors. Sometimes this results in the victim doing odd and harmful things. This is why it is imperative that as a…

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Mineral and Vitamin Deficiencies

10 Startling Mineral and Vitamin Deficiencies That Cause Depression

There are many things that cause depression. Believe it or not, mineral and vitamin deficiencies are one of those factors! If you suffer from depression, most likely you've already been properly diagnosed and matched with a regimen of antidepressants. This is the common case when it comes to most people who suffer from mental disorders of various kinds. Counseling is also common, followed…

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Karmic Relationship

What Is a Karmic Relationship and 7 Signs You Are in One

A karmic relationship may easily get confused with a soulmate connection, however, these two are actually much different. While both karmic lovers and soulmates are people whom you feel deep connections with, only soulmates are meant to spend your life with you. Karmic relationships, on the other hand, are meant to be intense yet brief. Entering your life only to teach you a lesson,…

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Defense Mechanisms

5 Defense Mechanisms That Are Killing Your Relationship

As human beings, we use defense mechanisms from time to time whether we realize it or not. This is fine...until it starts getting in the way of your relationships. Defense mechanisms are psychological techniques that we use unconsciously to cope with things like stress and anxiety. For example, if something highly traumatic in happens in your life you may mentally block out the memory…

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Manipulation in Relationships

Manipulation in Relationships: How to Recognize Its Sneakiest Forms

By now, you may be pretty educated about manipulation in relationships. But watch out! You may not be aware of its sneakiest forms. Manipulation in relationships is a form of control. I think most of us know that already, and we are all capable of this act. I would even go as far as to say that we all do this. We do,…

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Mental Health Medications

What Your Doctor Didn’t Tell You about Your Mental Health Medications

Mental health medications seem like the answer to all our anxieties, depression and other various disorders, but what are doctors leaving out? From the beginning, I have struggled with mental health issues, and I have also struggled with regulating medications. I’m not here to wage war against the medications, neither am I here to advocate their usage either. I am here to tell…

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Yoga Breathing Techniques

Yoga Breathing Techniques to Help You Combat Anxiety and Stress

Yoga breathing techniques, also known as Pranayamas, can be practiced not only in a yoga class but also during meditation or your working day. In the world of yoga, pranayama is the life force so learning how to control it is essential not only for practicing yoga but also for helping you in stressful situations. These yoga breathing techniques can help calm the…

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