America's organic city

Welcome to America’s Only Completely Organic City

Imagine living in a city where all products sold or served is guaranteed 100% organic by law, with zero crime rate and it’s own Institute For Natural Medicine and Prevention. Would you believe this organic city does exist, and it is the heartland of North America? Too much of America is now controlled by the vast agrochemical industry, poisoning us and our environment…

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microwave popcorn

9 Not-So-Safe “Healthy” Foods You Should Avoid

Some foods have been promoted as “healthy” when they’re exactly the opposite. Clean Plates founder Jared Koch shared nine examples. Here’s an expansion on his observations: 1. Canned Tomatoes Many canned foods contain BPA, a toxic chemical linked to reproductive and neurological abnormalities, such as breast and prostate cancers, diabetes and heart disease. High acidity in tomatoes causes BPA to leach into your food.…

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Foods Addictive Drugs

These 6 Foods Behave Like Addictive Drugs

Addictive drugs aren't exclusive to street drugs or prescription medications. Sometimes foods can be just harmful. Exorphins, chemicals found in certain foods, can mimic the effects of addictive drugs. Since we know this, strategies are being developed to save our health from these harmful foods, or rather the inability to utilize moderation. So, here's the magic question: Which foods contain this potentially deadly…

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Fast Food Truths

Horrible Truths about Fast Food

Fast food has an extremely bad reputation, wouldn't you think? But the truth is, you don't know the half of it! I spent much of my young adulthood eating fast foods. I wasn’t cooking much home prepared food because I was busy going to parties and hanging out with friends. Little did I know, I was endangering my body and mind. Even when…

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The Connection Between Food and Soul

The Connection Between Food and Soul You Didn’t Know about

“We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us to be much more than what we are.” – Adelle Davis Have you had moments where you have eaten enough food but you end up feeling like you haven’t eaten anything at all? Or you get hunger pangs at odd hours in spite of eating meals…

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healthy eating

5 Common Mistakes Of Healthy Eating & How To Avoid Them

It is great that many people are beginning to eat healthier – it’s better for society, the environment, and everyone. However, as with anything new, it is easy to make mistakes when you are just starting out. Here are 5 common mistakes and misconceptions about healthy eating that you can easily avoid: Mistake 1: Changing Your Diet Suddenly Enthusiasm is great and it’s…

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Salt and sugar Food Additives

Top 2 Food Additives that are Stealing Years from Your Life

Taking about food additives and preservatives and the impact they can have on our health serves as an information source to warn readers of the hazards they present. Two of the most dangerous food additives are the most common. Although you’ll be aware they’re bad for your health, you may not be aware of the reasons why sugar and refined salt are the…

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Here’s How Your Grocery Store Will Look When All the Bees Die

What will happen if all bees die? In case you were ever wondering just how important bees are to human life, or if all the hoopla is just that, I would like you to take a look at the images below. If you plan on eating fruits, vegetables, dairy, chocolate or just about anything else in the future, you better start caring about…

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