People Who Seem Emotionally Detached

Struggles of Emotionally Detached but Secretly Sensitive People

Are you that one emotionally detached person who at the same is affectionate? Having two separate sides to your personality can be difficult. Particularly when you’re an emotionally detached person, hard shell on the outside and secretly affectionate on the inside, with few special people. Here are ten struggles only those people face: 1. People base your relationship on your level of PDA…

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Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu Technique to Use If You Feel Anxious, Depressed or Nervous

Do you feel anxious, depressed or nervous? Well, know that each finger has an emotional connection to your emotions. Ancient medicine is surely perplexing! If you are doubting this, then you have not heard of an ancient Japanese healing method known as Jin Shin Jyutsu. Well, if this is new to you, I hope you read through this article as your mind will…

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Being Treated Like a Doormat

5 Signs That You Are Being Treated Like a Doormat

Being walked all over is a horrible feeling, nobody likes being treated like a doormat. Of course, there are times when a friend or family member might need to lean on you a little heavier than usual in a time of need. But if you notice consistent patterns of people taking advantage of your kind nature then it’s time to do something about…

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Stop Justifying Yourself to Others

7 Reasons Why You Should Stop Justifying Yourself to Others and Just Do Your Thing

Are you used to justifying yourself? In this article, you will find some good reasons to stop doing it. What people think of me is none of my business! After all, I don’t think about them at all. Justifying yourself can simply be defined as explaining who you are, why you are who you are, why you believe what you believe, why you…

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Start Loving Your Hair

You Should Really Start Loving Your Hair and Here Is Why

Loving your hair is very important for the reasons you've probably never thought of. We are cutting it, we are dying it, we give it a perm, we are shaving, plucking and even lasering it. All this to get rid of the nasty, unhygienic, ugly hair(s), to make it look pretty and trimmed on our head. But what if we are fooled by…

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emotional pain chart

Emotional Pain Chart: What Negative Emotions Are Doing to Your Body

This emotional pain chart will show you how your body reacts to your negative emotions. We experience an array of emotions every day - anything from happiness to sadness to extreme joy and even depression. Our body responds to the way we think, feel, and act. This is one type of “mind/body connection.” Each emotion creates a different feeling within the body: it…

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People Let Go of a Relationship

Why People Who Take a Long Time to Let Go of a Relationship Are the Best to Date

How long one takes to let go of a relationship tells a lot about what kind of person they are. We all have baggage that consists of previous relationships, regrets, and epic fails. But instead of running from someone who has obviously been seriously involved with their ex, knowing about previous relationships and break-ups of the person you like can tell you a…

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Difficulties Intuitive People Often Face

11 Difficulties Intuitive People Often Face

We’ve heard the terms many times – intuition or intuitive people. When we do hear them, we usually think of feelings about things that come from the gut without much rational thought processes involved. This is actually a pretty good description. Myers-Briggs Description Years ago, Isabel Myers and her daughter took the work of Carl Jung and developed a total of 16 personality…

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