Things I Learned about Introverts

10 Things I Learned about Introverts After Two Years of Living with an Introverted Roommate

In this article, I will try to explain, based on my experience, why introverts are awesome personalities. I am an extrovert. I admit it, I embrace it and I like it. Never does anyone stay a stranger in my presence very long. To me, people, noise, and rather constant activity is a way of life. After graduating from college, I moved to a…

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2 Clever Traveling T-Shirt

Clever Traveling T-Shirt Helps You Communicate Around the World Without Speaking Foreign Languages

This clever icon traveling T-shirt lets you easily communicate wherever you are in the world, even if you don’t speak foreign languages! When you travel the world, as much as you would like to, it's impossible to learn every language of every country you visit. You can take guidebooks with you and practice on the plane, but when you actually arrive in the…

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Communicate with a Person Who Has Social Anxiety

6 Things You Need to Know to Communicate with a Person Who Has Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety is a disorder that impacts more than 20 million people. While many people with social anxiety are also introverts, it is not exactly the same thing. An introvert might be able to interact socially with no fears or anxiety; they simply need enough personal time to recharge after doing so. With the social anxiety disorder, sufferers have a deep-seated fear that…

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Benefits of Being in a Long-Term Relationship

20 Benefits of Being in a Long-Term Relationship in Your 20s

How many times have you been told that having a stable, long-term relationship in your 20s was a bad idea? That you are wasting your prime years by settling down early. Well, you know what, to heck with those thoughts! Here are some of my favorite reasons for being in a long-term relationship in my 20’s; I have also included the thoughts of…

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Understand Your Cat's Language

How to Understand Your Cat’s Language

Why does a cat meow? To communicate with other cats? No, it is her way of interacting with humans. Then how cats interact with each other? Cat's language is composed of vocalizations, body postures, and sent signals. Basically, there are four kinds of meows a cat produces. Murmur patterns which include purrs and trills Vowel patterns include all variations of meows Articulated patterns which include…

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Secrets to Being Irresistible

5 Secrets to Being Irresistible

We all know those people who radiate positivity, energy, and confidence, no matter their personal situation. Those kinds of people have a natural charm that just makes them irresistible and a pleasure to be around. But what exactly makes those people so irresistible? How do they capture the attention and hearts of everyone around them? Here are the five secrets you can start…

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Healthy Couples Have in Common

This Is the Thing All Healthy Couples Have in Common

In a world where everyone agrees with your thoughts, motives, and actions, some would say we would have a much better world indeed. However, we are not alone in this world, so we have all come to understand that sometimes people will just not see things in the way that we do. This fact becomes more apparent the longer you are in a…

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Do More with Valentine’s Day

How to Do More with Valentine’s Day, Without Spending a Dime

When you hear about making a relationship last, people will often tell what you need to do, what key steps are involved, or even how much money you need to spend on your partner on Valentine’s Day. In all reality, you do not have to spend any money on your partner to build a relationship and keep it over time. All you need…

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