Anxiety attacks make you feel out of control. Now you can learn how to stop an anxiety attack, and even learn to recognize triggers.

Life is about being happy and successful. Dealing with mental illness is hard. It’s tough enough beating a stigma about mental illness without having to fight an attack.

An anxiety attack will make you feel this way.

The unexpected guest… An anxiety attack

An anxiety attack affects your sleep, your eating habits, and your ability to be around people. One moment, you’re happy and the next, your mind is trapped in a whirlwind. This is just the tip of the iceberg where anxiety is concerned.

The good news is, you can learn how to stop an anxiety attack before it happens, and you can even learn the triggers of anxiety disorder.

10 Natural Ways to Stop an Anxiety Attack:

Your diet

Let’s go way back, back to naturally preparing the body for deficiencies and problems. I’m not saying that diet is everything because you could eat a perfect combination of healthy/fatty foods and still be stricken with terrible anxiety attacks.

But, to get started, a healthy eating regimen can reduce inflammation and ward off physical problems that can increase anxiety.

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, a balance of fiber and leafy veggies all contribute to a healthy brain.

Also, avoiding processed foods or foods high in sugar also helps reduce physical anxiety triggers. Let’s also try to limit your caffeine intake as well. It’s a start!


Speaking of preparations for warding off anxiety attacks, ample sleep is always a good idea. If you’re not getting enough sleep, eventually this will affect your ability to stave off panic. In fact, sleep deprivation causes an increase in symptoms of anxiety.

It is best to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every day in order to successfully deal with any anxiety disorder issues. You can try essential oils, like lavender, defused within your sleeping area. These oils will further relax you and help you fall to sleep sooner.

Essential oils

Aromatherapy has been known to ward off anxiety attacks for centuries, with Lavender being a key component here. Lavender soothes and helps you rest better at night, as mentioned above, and also helps you stay calm when life’s circumstances are starting to heat up, thus preventing panic.

I have tried this many times and it works! Roman Camomile is also a great solution if you want to stop an anxiety attack and can be used for anxiety in children as well.


Not only does ordinary walking promote a calm spirit, but also relaxing fitness types like Yoga and Tai Chi also do the trick. The Alternative Medicine Review found that 25 out of 35 participants in a Yoga study showed a large decrease in anxiety symptoms or stress-related feelings.

During Yoga classes, you concentrate on breathing and focus which relaxes the muscles and softly suppresses neural activity. Thus, you experience a calmer demeanor and a clear mind.

Hot teas

The warmth of hot tea can soothe the restless spirit, this is true. Chamomile tea, on the other hand, is filled with Luteolin and Apigenin, which promote relaxation and decrease anxiety symptoms.

If you want to know how to stop an anxiety attack, then consider hot teas including, white, black, and green teas as well, which also lowers blood pressure and reduces heart rate.

Herbal remedies

There are many herbs that promote a calm mind and body. Two herbs that come to mind would be Valerian and Lemon balm. Since Valerian is an amazing sedative used for insomnia, it also works well at preventing anxiety attacks. Lemon balm works much the same way.

Usually, Valerian is taken in capsule form because it has a bad taste. With Lemon balm, you must be careful to take small dosages or the opposite effect can happen.

Apply warmth

Studies show that warming up your body reduces muscle tension and anxiety due to a change in serotonin levels. With that being said, a nice visit to the beach or sauna will do wonders at preventing attacks.

Warmth also helps physical issues as well, like arthritis and colds, which can also trigger both anxiety and depression.


Getting in touch with nature does so many things for your physical and mental wellbeing. Just recently, I read about grounding which includes making sure your bare feet spend enough time touching the earth.

Although this may sound silly to those who aren’t familiar, it’s quite beneficial to your health.

Even the air on your skin and the vitamin D spilling from the sun will help you take control of your problems with anxiety. I live surrounded by trees and I know they’ve saved me from many panic attacks in the past.


I’ve mentioned aromatherapy which can be paired with meditation. I’ve mentioned Yoga techniques which also include meditative therapy, but as long as you find somewhere too quiet your mind, you can practice this helpful remedy in many ways.

You can meditate on the front porch or your home, or you can even meditate in your bed before sleep.

The goal is to clear your mind of all concerns for just a moment, building up to longer periods of mindfulness. There are many outlets and trainers who can help you understand meditation and get started on your healing journey.

A support system

Whether it’s your family or your friends, a good support system can squash an anxiety attack before it happens. The most important thing to consider is making sure those who support you know what they are doing and know what to say.

Saying the wrong thing can make anxiety worse, and this is why understanding is so important.

Triggers and Symptoms

Now that you know a few ways about how to prevent an oncoming anxiety attack, here are a few triggers and how to recognize what’s about to happen.

What triggers an anxiety attack?

Loud and crowded places

Many anxiety attacks occur because of loud noises or crowded places. You will know that someone is having problems with this when their hands shake and they ask a lot of questions about the people around them.

They will also start making excuses to leave and it’s best if they do.


Any sort of pressure can trigger an anxiety attack. So, it’s best to take calm steps when something needs to be done or an emergency has occurred. If you see that your words are causing distress, then back off a moment and give the sufferer time to process what’s happening.

Although the situation may be dire, nothing good can come from a drama in more than one place. Just be patient with the anxious.

Too much responsibility

Placing too much responsibility for those who suffer from anxiety can trigger an attack. You will know when they start to become confused, irritated, and unable to talk coherently. When this happens, back off!

No priority is so important that it causes another extreme distress.

New people

Meeting new people can most certainly cause an anxiety attack. When someone asks multiple questions at a high rate, they are usually nervous about meeting this new person, and you should give them time to ask whatever they need to ask.

Don’t mistreat or criticize people with anxiety, they have to understand details before they are willing to meet new people.


If something happens that reminds an anxious person of another traumatic event from the past, they may be prone to have a panic attack. Sometimes the things that upset them make no sense to you, but make perfect sense to them.

Please be understanding when this happens. You will know this trigger by how it makes them clam up and become instantly nervous about the whole topic. DO NOT mock them for their weaknesses.

Anxiety is real

Never forget that anxiety is a real illness. It’s best that you try to learn as much as you can before attempting to help someone with their anxiety disorder. I thank you for listening and hope this helps you with yourself, your family, or your loved one.

Be well.



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