Headaches and migraines are a daily battle for some people.

Not only is it difficult suffering from the pain that these conditions cause, it’s also frustrating when you can’t find a solution to the problem.

Not many people know that the root cause of head pain is actually inside your head, in your consciousness. It could be depression or any other kind of emotional stress causing the pain, and so using painkillers and other drugs for this pain won’t help get to the bottom of it and stop them for good.

The body is controlled by the mind, and the mind is controlled by the consciousness. It’s the consciousness that causes the mind to inflict pain on the body.

The healthier your mind, the healthier your body.

Most people think emotions are simply feelings, but what are feelings? Feeling are most commonly defined as the subjective experience of an emotion, which can be felt in the physical body.

A person who suffers from lightheadedness, dizziness, headaches, and migraines is often because the body wants them to pay attention to the mind – i.e. emotions.

Your mind is not necessarily asking you to fix your emotions by presenting you with this pain, but it is asking you to take ownership of them and embrace them or face them head-on.

Various clinics have different methods for encouraging patients to free their emotion, this idea of ‘letting go’. What’s more, it’s important to know that simply talking about your emotions doesn’t necessarily mean you have let go of your emotions.

The first step to letting go is identifying the emotions and beliefs associated with your pain.

The various types of head pain have been identifying as being associated with certain problems:


Stress, tiredness, seriousness, being too busy, feeling out of control, overwhelmed, overcrowded, frustrated, undermined. Over-thinking, over-analysis, self-judgment, and judgment of others, invalidation of the self, self-criticism, and sabotage.

Cluster headache

Frustrated, angry, critical. Feeling like you have been betrayed, disappointed in yourself, over-thinking, being unable to stand up for yourself. When you feel attacked, criticized, are too busy, do not know when to stop, and having a lack of self-belief.


Needing more control, striving for perfection, overcommitting, putting too much pressure on yourself, needing love and approval. Never looking out for yourself, putting others ahead of you, facing guilt and anxiety, engaging in conflict, self-punishment. Feeling angry or annoyed at others.

If you suffer from severe headaches and migraines, it might be worth looking at your memories and emotions that were associated with them. When did you start getting headaches and what caused them?

It’s easy to think a drug or remedy can cure your problem, but really getting to the root cause is the only way to really address and deal with your more serious problem, and fix it once and for all.

Charlotte Howell

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Lifeadvancer User Avatar

    Thank You! now I only need to remember and find out more about my life and mi daily migraines will be gone. Thank you for writing this so those emotions i can face them now

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