These hilarious illustrations by a Russian illustrator show why couples love each other and what the secret ingredients to every successful relationship are.

As a famous actor, Bill Murray said ‘A soul mate is someone who appreciates your level of weird’.

We are all a little freaky when we are around the ones we love, the question is can you accept those you love and their weirdness. If the answer is yes, then you know that those things that are a bit out of the ordinary are the things you like the most about the person you love. It is those little moments when your dinner was overcooked that made you laugh, not the moments when everything was as it should be.

Russian illustrator Landysh Akhmetzyanova and her friend and colleague Asia came to the same conclusion one afternoon while sitting at a bar drinking coffee and reminiscing over past relationships. They are a duo that stands behind an online shop Lingvistov, which serves as a platform for their creative output where you can find gift cards, illustrated books, T-shirts and many other original and interesting items. The conversation about past relationships inspired Landysh to create two books of illustrations named ’21 reasons I love him’ and ’21 reasons I love her’.

The images featured in these cute books show why couples really love each other.

They show that you don’t care about the crappy music she listens to or how much she enjoys having you around when she goes shopping. Created in a unique style, illustrations by a young and talented Russian illustrator tell a story about companionship, trust and the quality time people who love each other spend together.

Landysh writes on her website:

‘There are so many reasons why we love that one special girl. Because she’s different. Because of the way she smiles. Because she’s so funny that you want to talk to her forever. Actually, just because she exists on this planet!’

She adds:

There are so many reasons to love him. The way he looks at you. The way he makes you smile. The way he can make you feel so happy and comfortable. You can be as crazy as you want with him. He loves your imperfections and yet thinks you’re perfect!

Whether you are a man or a woman, the best feeling ever is to be in love with someone who loves you back.

Scroll down and take a look at these amusing and amazing illustrations. If you would like to buy a book of illustrations for the person you love, check the artist’s website at

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other

Illustrations that show why couples really love each other


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