Recommendations on how to become a happier and better person. Tips and strategies for personal growth that will help you discover your strengths, improve your personality traits and develop a positive attitude to life.

Help Others Because You Never Know

Help Others Because You Never Know When You’ll Need Help: A Heartwarming Story

Apparently, the world still has people with good hearts who are willing to help others. So the other day I was reading a story about a man who gave all the money he had to a woman and her child to use as transport to get back their shelter. This was so touching that it actually awakened the memories of many Biblical stories…

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Signs That You Are Being Taken for Granted

4 Signs That You Are Being Taken for Granted & What to Do

Do you feel that you are being taken for granted by your relationship? Whether at work or in your personal life, people may take you for granted. It’s never a nice feeling, and it could seriously affect your mental well-being as well as your relationships. Check out these signs to find out if you are being taken for granted – and see how you…

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Book Readers Are the Best People to Fall in Love

Book Readers Are the Best People to Fall in Love with, According To Science

Book readers, sadly are a dying breed. They are slowly being replaced with online tabloid websites. Book readers will usually fall into two categories, the skim reader, and the deep reader. The “deep reader”, is someone who can be described as actually finishing a book, from cover to cover. They absorb the whole story and cherish the time spent with the characters, these…

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the Quiet One in Your Life

Why the Quiet One in Your Life May Be More Emotional Than You Realise

The quiet one in a relationship may be more emotionally strong than you can imagine. Are you one of those people who complains a lot or voices your emotion out loud? Do you interject without meaning to? Do you think a lot about yourself and how a situation is affecting you? All of those things are OK, but have you ever wondered how your…

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Signs of Low Self-Esteem

5 Signs of Low Self-Esteem and What You Can Do to Fix It

There is often a day where you can feel a little low, a little disappointed in yourself or have a feeling that you aren’t good enough. Sometimes it's hormonal, but for a lot of people, this common feeling of inadequacy is a sign of having low self-esteem. The feeling that you don’t deserve happiness and you should stay feeling low and unhappy are…

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Given Up on Your Dreams

5 Tell Tale Signs You Have Given Up on Your Dreams

If you believe that you didn't give up on your dreams, this article may surprise you. Everybody has a dream that keeps them going throughout the day. But sometimes it can be hard to stay focused on them. And what’s worst is that you might not even realize you have given up on your dreams. It might be a feeling that comes in…

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life goals

7 Signs You’re Achieving Someone Else’s Life Goals

People can look at ways they are achieving some else’s life goals. For certain periods in a person’s life and career, they can feel that they are achieving other people’s goals more so than their own. They can discover that what they are accomplishing is not producing the feelings they expected. They can seek ways to uncover how to focus on achieving their…

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People who post gym selfies on social media are indeed narcissists

People Who Post Gym Selfies on Social Media Are Indeed Narcissists, Science Confirms

Are you posting gym selfies on social media? Guess what... Science says you are or tend to become a narcissist! Let’s be honest, each of us has at least one friend on the social media friends list who is constantly posting his or her daily routine in the gym. Or maybe that person is you? The descriptions under the photo “I lifted 100…

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