How to reveal your hidden potential and be happy. Self-improvement tips and strategies for success and personal development that will help you transform into a better, wiser and more evolved person.


5 Mind-Blowing Lessons from Psychedelics Experts

A recent online course unraveled psychedelic science, medicine, art, and spirituality. The problem with banning anything out of a fear of the unknown is that many unknowns will remain. Such is the story of many psychedelic drugs in the U.S. While the government has experimented with various psychedelic compounds (take the CIA's secret attempts at LSD mind-control between 1953 to 1964) over the…

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Abraham Lincoln

4 Short Yet Powerful Quotes from Abraham Lincoln to Help You Grow

In today’s busy world, how do you find time to step back from your daily routine and think about where you’re actually going? One great way is to tap into the wisdom of past and present thinkers. I’m not suggesting you read hundreds of books – instead, you can select one or more powerful quotes that are packed with practical wisdom. It takes…

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An Old Soul

9 Signs You’re An Old Soul

“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?” ~ Satchel Paige There is a special kind of person in our world who finds himself alone and isolated, almost since birth. His solitary existence isn’t from a preference or an antisocial temperament – he is simply old. Old in heart, old in mind and old in soul, this…

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Everyday Negative Thoughts You Need to Throw Away to Be Happy

9 Everyday Negative Thoughts You Need to Throw Away to Be Happy

The crazy battle that’s going on in our heads can be a tough one. Try as we might, sometimes our everyday negative thoughts just seem to overwhelm us. As such, our entire life gets affected. Our mood goes down. Our energy levels get slapped and even the people around us change unknowingly. I know how it feels. Being an angry person, negative thoughts…

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psychic phenomena

Raising Your Vibration: How It Happens and Why It’s Important

There are so much change and excitement in the air. Can you feel it? Have you noticed shifts in your way of thinking? Raising Your Vibration is a very important task. The pull towards different interests, a change in habits, the way you think and feel? Inspiration to step up your exercise regime? Diets are changing with so much more people less tolerant…

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lucid dream

How to Maintain a Lucid Dream

Okay, so you’ve experienced a lucid dream. That’s great, but how long did you remain in a lucid state for? Unfortunately, the first time you experience a lucid dream may not last very long. You may become aware of the lucidity, get excited and wake up as a result. This is completely normal. It is common for first time lucid dreamers to be…

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Mindful Moments to Your Day

10 Ways to Add Mindful Moments to Your Day

Busyness is the norm in most people’s lives! People are racing from task to task without a pause. It is like being on a treadmill without being able to shut it off. Then we wonder why stress is rampant in society. Cultivating a mindfulness practice can provide a way to take small breaks during your hectic day thus reducing your stress levels. Reducing…

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Hurting Your Goals

4 Reasons The Big Picture is Hurting Your Goals & What to Do

You’re motivated. You know exactly what you need to do, you’ve got it all planned out and all you need to do is stick with it. What could go wrong? Day one, check. You manage to stick with your goals and you’re feeling good. Day two, check. You did it but feel your motivation waning. Day three, miss. You wanted to do it,…

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