Okay, so you’ve experienced a lucid dream. That’s great, but how long did you remain in a lucid state for?

Unfortunately, the first time you experience a lucid dream may not last very long. You may become aware of the lucidity, get excited and wake up as a result. This is completely normal. It is common for first time lucid dreamers to be unable to sustain a lucid dream for a long period of time.

Although it may seem like a bad thing to wake up from being excited (and it’s disappointing, that’s for sure), at least you’re on your way to sustaining a lucid dream for a long period of time. The main piece of advice you can hear is to ensure you remain calm as you enter a lucid dream.

As you progress into the lucid dream, it needs to be ensured that focus is kept on the dream itself, and nothing else. When entering, pause for a second. Try to grasp the scenario, and then proceed calmly. Don’t focus too much on actually controlling the dream at first – that may require more experience to be done correctly.

First things first: focus solely on remaining lucid, and nothing else. In order to focus on anything else, you will need to perfect the time you remain lucid – this is essential! By all means, feel free to experiment with your lucid dream, just don’t get so overwhelmed by the whole experience. This will reduce the likeliness of remaining in the lucid state.

There are two very common and useful techniques you are able to perform in order to enhance your lucid dreaming experience. These techniques can be used, whether it to be increasing the awareness of the lucid dream, or to make sure you don’t lose the lucid state.

These recommendations are not guaranteed to work as everyone is different, but they are two of the most renowned ways you are able to maintain your lucid dream and have it last longer.

Hand Rubbing

Staying lucid is critical to and lucid dreamer. One common method used to ensure the lucid state is remained is to simply rub your hands together. This will reinforce the idea of keeping focused on the dream opposed to waking up – which is obviously something you want to try and avoid.

When in a lucid dream, you may dream you’re indoors or outdoors. If indoors, try touching furniture or the walls. If outdoors, touching the ground may be useful. Essentially rubbing your hands is destined to stabilize the lucid dream you’re in.

Dream Spinning

One common experience many people face is a lucid dream beginning to fade unexpectedly. If you begin to sense the lucid dream is coming to an end, a common technique used for prevention is called dream spinning. Dream spinning is actually relatively easy. Imagine yourself as a child and spin around on the spot.

Sounds easy, right? This technique is practiced by many lucid dreamers and is considered to be reliable in sustaining a lucid dream. In order to receive the full effects of dream spinning, it will likely take 10-30 seconds of spinning.

Once you come to a finish with spinning, you will often find that your lucid state has restored, and the position of your lucid state may also change, i.e. environment, place, etc. Not only is it possible to change your setting through this method, but it is also a common practice to experiment with dream spinning in order to achieve a different setting, regardless if the lucid state is diminishing.

That being said, a smart practice is to continue to remind yourself that you’re lucid dreaming whilst dream spinning as you may find yourself losing lucidity as a result.

Yes – these two techniques should work on the typical lucid dreamer. The most important thing you can do is not get too worked up on losing lucidity when you first begin to lucid dream. Instead – praise yourself having gained lucidity which many people fail to do, you deserve it!

I know, it sucks finally becoming lucid only to lose the state moments after, but it will get better if you set your mind to it; it all comes down to self-belief and determination.


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