A healthy lifestyle is a way of living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill or dying early. What changes can you introduce into your daily life that can ensure that you stay happy, fit and healthy?

Reasons You Should Try Backpacking

3 Reasons Why You Should Try Backpacking At Least Once in Your Life

There are many reasons why backpacking is a great choice for a vacation, but here are the three reasons everybody should try backpacking at least once. Picture this – you’re walking along the coast. A warm breeze ruffles your hair and brings with it the smell of saltwater. You stretch your legs out in front of you, eating up the miles as you…

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Homemade Almond Milk Recipe

Homemade Almond Milk Recipe: Make Your Own Almond Milk in 5 Minutes!

Almond milk is low in calories, rich in vitamins and has numerous health benefits. Make your own today with this 5-minute almond milk recipe! Almond milk is a tasty and incredibly healthy solution for those who are lactose intolerant, vegetarian, vegan or simply prefer not to consume cow’s milk. It has been used as an alternative to milk for centuries due to its…

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Genius Spots for Accent Paint in Your Home

5 Surprising Yet Genius Spots for Accent Paint in Your Home

After you've chosen the main color for your paint job, you may feel like the fun's over. However, there are tons of ways to integrate color by painting in often-overlooked spots of the home. The best part is the level of commitment is much lower if you decide you want to change the look of your space frequently. When adding accent paint color…

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Purslane - health-boosting plants

Purslane: Not Just a Weed but One of the Most Powerful Health-Boosting Plants

You may have seen it in your garden and ignored it, thinking it was just a weed. However, it’s one of the most powerful health-boosting plants in the world. So many people throw away and recycle plants from their gardens, thinking they are weeds when, in fact, they are health-boosting plants with many health benefits that are already used in the food and…

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Desk Stretches Neutralize Negative Effects of Sitting

Try These Simple Desk Stretches to Neutralize the Negative Effects of Sitting

If your job keeps you sitting for long hours, then it’s time you tried these desk stretches to neutralize the adverse health effects of sedentary lifestyle. Did you know that sitting for long hours may increase the risk of getting heart diseases, diabetes, cancer and even cause early deaths? This is especially a problem for desk workers who spend 8 hours and even…

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Innovative Ground Fridge Needs No Electricity to Chill Food

Innovative Ground Fridge Needs No Electricity to Chill Food

Dutch designer Floris Schoonderbeek has found a simple yet amazing solution to refrigeration - his ground fridge doesn’t need electricity to chill food. Humans pursue strange objectives. Not only do we wish to live a ‘greener’ lifestyle, but we also try to retain some form of luxury, in the process. When it comes to food storage and preservation, we desire the same solutions.…

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What Happens to Body When You Eat Pomelo

Here Is What Happens to Your Body When You Eat a Pomelo

Pomelo is a member of the citrus fruit family; in fact, it is the largest citrus fruit and resembles a grapefruit. Pomelos are primarily found in their native region - Southeast Asia. The fruit doesn’t only have a pleasant taste; it also provides numerous benefits that protect your health, improves the quality of your skin and hair, etc. If you haven’t eaten this…

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Creating an Eco-Friendly Garden

How to Create an Eco-Friendly Garden: Easier Than You Think!

Some people are lucky enough to have a large outdoor space to work with while others might have a very restricted area. That being said, a large garden area requires greater care and planning so there are upsides and downsides to both. Whatever size or area the space you have is, you do possess the ability to create an eco-friendly garden in it.…

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