You may have seen it in your garden and ignored it, thinking it was just a weed. However, it’s one of the most powerful health-boosting plants in the world.
So many people throw away and recycle plants from their gardens, thinking they are weeds when, in fact, they are health-boosting plants with many health benefits that are already used in the food and for medicinal purposes all around the globe.
It’s a common mistake to make – but here is a plant that you should definitely reconsider:
Purslane – (portulaca oleracea)
Purslane usually has lots of green leaves and yellow flowers. It’s very tough and can grow in a number of terrains, including arid areas and rocky driveways. In a lot of countries, it’s known for being a weed; however, it’s now believed to be one of the most powerful unrecognized health-boosting plants.
Studies have shown that Purslane has more antioxidants than spinach and more omega-3 fatty acids than some fish oils! It’s also extremely high in vitamin A, which can protect against several types of cancer. Just 100g of Purslane can give you almost half of your necessary daily intake of vitamin A.
There has also been evidence of vitamin C, B-complex, and many other minerals, such as magnesium, iron, and calcium found in the plant. You can find this plant in most gardens as it tends to thrive and survive almost anywhere. In some cases, it will have been living under the soil for over 40 years!
Cooking with Purslane
In many parts of the Middle East, you can find Purslane for sale in markets in huge bundles. Many residents of this part of the world use the plant in cooking, as it is considered cooling, especially when the weather is warm.
Purslane can also be found in some Mediterranean cultures and dishes. Some people fry it with onion, garlic, and tomatoes, or eat it fresh as part of a salad. It can also be delicious and health-boosting when used in soups and smoothies!
Harvest quickly
Purslane starts to lose its health and nutritional benefits very soon after it has been harvested. If you are unsure about growing it in your garden, then try to grow it indoors as a micro-plant.
All you need is an empty container, organic purslane seeds, a sunny windowsill, some potting soil, and the ability to keep it alive with water. Then you have your daily and fresh portion of Purslane!
Important notes:Purslane can be used as a free nutritional supplement, just be warned that pregnant women are advised to avoid eating purslane.
How about a recipe, please?