Creative and clever DIY projects, tips and ideas for home improvement, decorating and crafts to improve your daily life and transform your home into something special.

Organic Architecture Home Designs Inspired by Nature

Organic Architecture: Amazing Sustainable Home Designs Inspired by Nature

When we think of the word “house”, we probably conjure the image of the conventional rectangle-with-triangle-roof shape, the kind we used to draw in our elementary grade pictures. Nowadays, architecture is widely taken for granted; it is safe to deduce that in the corporate spirit of our times, architecture is mostly a means of accommodation and practicality; aesthetics are somewhat overlooked, especially in…

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Tips to Reduce Food Waste in Your Home

How to Reduce Food Waste in Your Home and Why You Should Do It

Reducing food waste in your home is one of the best things you can do to minimize the effect you have on the environment. It will not only mean that overall less food needs to be produced. It also means reducing the carbon footprint of food manufacturing as well as reducing other negative environmental side-effects of food production. When you reduce food waste,…

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Simple and Effective Ways to Economically Heat Your Home

5 Simple and Effective Ways to Economically Heat Your Home

As sure as the night follows the day, energy prices seem to rise year after year. Because of this, you have to be more frugal with how you heat your home. For many people, this means simply not heating their homes as much and simply putting up with the cold, this can be detrimental to health and those seriously struggling to pay energy…

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DIY Disaster Survival

Do It Yourself Disaster Survival – Infographic

A disaster has a tendency to strike when we least expect it. A natural (or man-made) disaster rarely gives you a warning before turning everything you know and love upside down, leaving you with very little to protect you against its elements. The general contents of an emergency DIY disaster survival depend on the location you live in. Some of the basic components…

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Himalayan Salt Lamps

How to Improve Your Home and Well-being with Himalayan Salt Lamps

With the changing of seasons, come increased allergies, colds, the flu virus, and the dreaded “winter blues.” You may do your part to prevent these conditions with proper handwashing, diet, rest, and exercise for example, but there happens to be another relaxing and fun way to increase your well-being and prevent illness, Himalayan salt lamps. Himalayan salt lamps are a great addition to…

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air purifying plants

15 Air Purifying Plants to Remove Harmful Toxins

It’s possible to filter your indoor air with the right air purifying plants. The results are so proven that even NASA has concluded that the plants you choose for your home make a difference. Here are some of the best plants that will go to work making your indoor environment cleaner. 1. Peace Lily One popular choice for an indoor houseplant is a…

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Never Throw Away The Used Tea Bags

This Is Why You Should Never Throw Away The Used Tea Bags Again

In fact, used tea bags can serve as very helpful tools in life. It is a known consensus that tea is good for your health, my health and everyone else’s health as well. But all jokes aside, tea has more healthy aspects that can be contained within a small tea bag. Not only for your health, but also for your overall self-esteem. Take…

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Help To Improve the environment

Ways You Can Help To Improve The Environment Without Spending A Fortune

We all know that being good to the environment is the right thing to do, for ourselves and for future generations. But it can seem like to make a big impact on the environment you have to do something extraordinary and potentially expensive like buying a hybrid car, having solar panels fitted or only buying more expensive locally sourced food. Big gestures may…

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