Articles about mental health conditions and how to achieve psychological wellbeing. Tips on how to cope with mental disorders and maintain a balance of the mind, body and spirit to feel healthy and happy.

Neurosis Symptoms and Causes

Neurosis Symptoms and Causes and How to Spot the Early Signs of It

Neurosis is a term that describes an underlying psychological problem. So are there neurosis symptoms and is it possible to detect these signs? Before we explore neurosis symptoms and their causes, let’s look at how the term came about. The term neurosis was first coined by a Scottish doctor, Dr. William Kullen. He used it to describe any ailment where there was no…

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Early Signs of Dementia

5 Early Signs of Dementia That Can Be Easily Confused for Aging Quirks

Certain early signs of dementia can be confused for the signs of aging. How to spot the symptoms at the earliest? The early signs of dementia, as well as this disorder itself, come in many forms. Although they all involve damage to the brain and memory impairment, they're often categorized based on their cause. Types of Dementia Vascular dementia occurs when blood flow…

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Feel Good Foods

10 Feel Good Foods That Will Instantly Boost Your Mood

Are you always crabby? Certain foods might be what you need to lift you out of the dumps and make you feel good again. Can what you eat change the way you feel? We answer this question and introduce you to a few feel good foods that have the potential to put you on cloud nine. Can What You Eat Affect Your Happiness?…

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Causes of Parental Depression

10 Causes of Parental Depression and How to Cope with It

Parental depression negatively affects both parents and children. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world. In 2016, it was estimated that about 16 million adults in the US reported experiencing at least one major depressive disorder in the previous year, including parental depression. That translates to about 6.7% of all…

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Depression in the Elderly

Depression in the Elderly and 5 Things to Remember When Dealing with It

Few would disagree that depression has become one of the most common conditions among the population. Depression in the elderly is no exception. It once might have been frowned upon, and those suffering might not have received any type of support. However, the fact that this mental disorder, including depression in the elderly, has made its way into the mainstream news now means…

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How to Make Daily Exercise

How to Make Daily Exercise and Healthy Eating a Reality

Below are a few ways you can incorporate daily exercise into your routine as well as find time to cook healthy meals at home. It can be tough to get into shape. Especially if you haven’t focused on you in a while. The pounds may have packed on, the clothes may have gotten bigger, your self-esteem may have dropped. You may have let…

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How to Practice Forest Bathing

How to Practice Forest Bathing to Clear Your Mind and Heal Your Body

Forest bathing, also known as Shinrinyoku in Japanese – Shinrin stands for the forest, yoku for bath – is the activity of walking mindfully through a specific type of natural environment, usually a forest. In the Japanese tradition, enjoying calming activities like forest bathing regularly is something usual, even necessary. How Forest Bathing Affects Your Health Forest bathing is known to bring numerous…

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Driving Phobia

Driving Phobia: Why It Affects Some People and How to Cope with It

You are a competent driver, but occasionally cramp up behind the wheel. What you may have is driving phobia. Don't feel embarrassed if you have this condition because it affects more people than you may think. Life Advancer explains what it is, why some people have it, and how to cope with it. What Is Driving Phobia? As its name implies, this type…

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