Articles about mental health conditions and how to achieve psychological wellbeing. Tips on how to cope with mental disorders and maintain a balance of the mind, body and spirit to feel healthy and happy.

How to Stop Feeling Inferior and Comparing Yourself to Others

How to Stop Feeling Inferior and Comparing Yourself to Others

If you’re feeling inferior, I’ve been there, I have an idea what that feels like. But, it’s time to stop and listen. Do you want me to be blunt? Feeling inferior will kill your positive self-esteem. Do you want to know why? Well, sitting around comparing yourself with others is a never-ending cycle. Here’s the hard cold truth. There will always be someone…

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Examples of Negging in Relationships

6 Examples of Negging in Relationships & How to Deal with It

Emotional manipulation can also be seen as negging. There are many examples of negging which can damage your self-esteem. It seems there’s never a shortage of manipulative behavior. Although people are basically good, they are also selfish because not all people who use manipulative tactics have a personality or mental disorder. Some just want to get the upper hand. There are many examples…

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Effective Grounding Techniques for Anxiety and Stress

5 Effective Grounding Techniques for Anxiety and Stress

With an increase in mental diseases and the awareness of mental health increasing, a term that we often come across is grounding. Is it really possible to ease things like anxiety or depression with grounding techniques? While to many, it may sound like yoga mumbo jumbo, it is an amazing way to find your way back if you're going through immense stress. I…

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The Mechanism of Addiction in the Brain That Explains How It Works

The Mechanism of Addiction in the Brain and How It Works

Addiction is one of the biggest killers in the country right now, but it's surprisingly little understood by people everywhere, and few realize that it has to do with the way the human brain works. When most people think of addiction, they think of drugs. But addiction can exist in almost any form. Video games, alcoholism, gambling, sex, even exercise. If it releases…

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Cyclothymia Symptoms, Causes and Diagnostic Criteria

Cyclothymia: the Symptoms, Causes and Diagnostic Criteria

Cyclothymia, also known as a cyclothymic disorder, is a mental disorder that involves periods of symptoms of depression and periods of symptoms of hypomania. These symptoms, however, are not sufficient to be a major depressive episode or a hypomanic episode. Symptoms must last for more than one or two years. The cause is unknown. Risk factors include a family history of bipolar disorder.…

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White Knight Syndrome Could Explain Why You Attract the Wrong People

White Knight Syndrome or Why You Attract the Wrong People

Maybe there’s a reason why you’re not finding Mr. Right. Maybe it’s the white knight syndrome which causes you to pick the wrong partner. As I think back on my early adulthood, I remember many times when I rescued partners in relationships. I gave them money, in which they wasted, I gave them 100% of my energy, even though I think they probably…

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Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: a Powerful Mental Tool

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is an approach to psychotherapy that uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) methods in collaboration with mindfulness meditative practices and similar psychological strategies. It was originally created to be a relapse-prevention treatment for individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD). Focus on MDD and cognitive processes distinguish MBCT from other mindfulness-based therapies. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), for example, is a more…

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What Is the Fight-Flight-Freeze Response and How Does It Work in Stressful Situations

What Is the Fight-Flight-Freeze Response and How It Works

Anxiety is something we all experience in some form or another. Sometimes, that anxiety can snowball into the Fight-Flight-Freeze response when faced with very stressful situations. It’s a sort of unavoidable side effect of living – tests, first dates, starting new chapters. These are all things that naturally cause even the best of us a little anxiety at times. Unfortunately for some of…

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