Growing up in a Narcissistic Family

Growing up in a Narcissistic Family Comes with These Effects

You’re not alone if you grew up in a narcissistic family. In fact, many families like this think they’re normal. I really hate the subject of dysfunctional families because it makes me think of all the damage passed down to the children. I lived in a dysfunctional family, maybe not the worst, and maybe not a narcissistic family, but it wasn’t normal, I…

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Ways Girls with Low Self-Esteem Struggle Later in Life

8 Ways Girls with Low Self-Esteem Struggle Later in Life

We all struggle in life, but girls with low self-esteem endure these struggles much differently than boys. We endure pressure every single day of our lives, let's face it. Although we might not recognize it, we’re always expected to do something, be something, or prove something. These struggles just file right in line with all the other struggles we endure just to keep…

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Early Signs of Bipolar Disorder in Teens and Young Adults

9 Early Signs of Bipolar Disorder in Teens and Young Adults

Mental illness presents many signs. For teens and adults, the signs of bipolar disorder can sometimes be hard to detect. I was 18 years old when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. At that time, Before my diagnosis, I assumed my actions were just part of my characteristics. Those characteristics were probably the reason for many of the disastrous incidents from my earlier…

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How to Use the Law of Attraction for Love to Find the Right Partner

How to Use the Law of Attraction for Love to Find the One

In this world, it can be hard to find the right partner. By using the law of attraction, finding true love is actually easier. Manifesting love with the law of attraction involves creating a certain mindset for relationships. It’s about focus and materializing what we want from our desires. Like, must be attracted to like in order to be successful in finding the…

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What Is a Hypochondriac and 7 Signs You Could Be One

What Is a Hypochondriac and 7 Signs That You Could Be One

A hypochondriac stays in perpetual stress about being ill or suffering from a disease. Are you suffering from this real illness? Do you know someone who constantly complains about illnesses and invisible injuries? While this may seem unreal, it happens to many people. I had an aunt who suffered from these strange issues, and I never realized she was a hypochondriac until many…

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Is Your Relationship Moving Too Fast 10 Signs to Consider

Is Your Relationship Moving Too Fast? 10 Signs to Watch for

There are ways to tell if your relationship is evolving too fast, and you must consider these signs before moving on. Relationships are beautiful things. They bring us joy, companionship, love, and yes, sometimes pain. There are also many questions when you’re in a relationship – “Is it time to move to the next level?”, “Are there any issues you need to work…

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Dalai Lama

8 Profound Dalai Lama Quotes on Life That Will Make You Think

Understanding life calls for more than ordinary feel-good statements. Sometimes wisdom from Dalai Lama quotes on life brings profound truths. Navigating life can be like nailing noodles to the wall. Can you imagine how difficult that would be? Yes, life is complicated, to say the least, and it just keeps knocking us to the ground over and over. What makes it worse is…

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Types of a Verbally Abusive Relationships People Don’t Realize Are Toxic

A Verbally Abusive Relationship Comes in These 6 Toxic Types

There are so many forms of abuse, and the verbally abusive relationship is one of the most damaging situations. Words truly hurt. Sometimes, I sit around and think about negative words from the past, but I try not to dwell too long there. It can be even more damaging to present situations, good or bad. I was in a verbally abusive relationship, among…

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