Partner Has Depression Or Anxiety

How to Care for a Partner with Depression or Anxiety

Depression or anxiety can affect one in five adults during their lifetime - is your partner one of them? There is hope for relationships, in this area, and you can help your special someone cope with their mental illness. There really is no simple way to talk about depression or anxiety. They are complicated monsters that can affect all areas of your life.…

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Spiritual Principles Be More Creative

Spiritual Principles: 9 Ways to Be More Creative

It's important to feel your creativity. Your spiritual principles can nourish your gifts and make them stronger. I believe everyone has the ability to be creative, some more so than others, I guess. But it takes the time to cultivate those artistic juices and learn to create freely. In fact, your spiritual principles play a large role in this achievement. Creativity, like any…

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Negative Thoughts

Negative Thoughts: How Do You Accept Them for What They Are?

Remembering negative thoughts helps you prove them wrong. Just remember the believers as well, to prove them right. No one really wants to dwell on negative thoughts, but unfortunately, they just do. They are painful, not exactly like a physical injury, but they can be uncontrollable much in the same way. If your leg is broken, you don't just "get over it" and "think positive", without much-needed rest and…

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Healthy Snacks

10 Healthy Snacks You Can Easily Prepare at Home

Preparing healthy snacks can be difficult because of our busy lifestyles. But hold on! I have 10 quick solutions to that problem! Healthy snacks are thought to be boring, difficult to prepare and bland. However, this does not have to be the case. You can make smart snack choices that will help combat hunger in between meals and also taste good. Plus, it…

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Quitting Your Day Job

Want to Quit Your Day Job? Expect These 5 Things to Happen

When I quit my day job, my coworkers were surprised. Frankly, they were astonished by my reason why. I had planned to start my own business. I bet you can't figure out what it is, but that's beside the point. But they were taken aback by my reason to give up the 9-5 stable schedule and never failing pay routine. Most people, to…

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Plan To Get Healthy

Go Ahead, Get Healthy, Your Doctor Would Never Suggest These 12 Steps!

I love traditional MD’s — they’re my best friends, family, and trusted colleagues, but do they truly know how to get healthy? They save lives and perform medical feats beyond imagination. So why am I insulting them in the title of this piece? Read on, it’s not always as it seems. Although many doctors are smart, well-intentioned, and caring, they may not be trained to…

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