proactol plus

Everything You Need to Know About Proactol Plus

Most weight loss products rely on clever marketing and advertising so as to appeal to the vast majority of people. People tend to fall for the hype generated by these products without taking time to do their own research. It is therefore not a surprise that for every person who succeeds, there seem to be two or more people who feel shortchanged because…

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DIY Disaster Survival

Do It Yourself Disaster Survival – Infographic

A disaster has a tendency to strike when we least expect it. A natural (or man-made) disaster rarely gives you a warning before turning everything you know and love upside down, leaving you with very little to protect you against its elements. The general contents of an emergency DIY disaster survival depend on the location you live in. Some of the basic components…

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Accelerating Change

Changing in Times of Accelerating Change

No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it is not the same river, and it is not the same man. There is nothing permanent except change. - Heraclitus It seems things change more than we think – way more and in more ways. Even when we’re aware of the underlying reality of constant change, we reference new changes by our…

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Mind Blowing Truth About Global Warming

The Mind Blowing Truth About Global Warming That Nobody Talks About

We have all heard the hype about global warming. Global temperatures are going up, greenhouses gas emissions are destroying our atmosphere. There is more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere than ever before, the migration patterns of animals are changing, and the list goes on and on. This is all fine and well. I am not here to try to debunk global warming because all…

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Bees Are All Disappearing

New Harvard Study Proves Why The Bees Are All Disappearing

The human race is really starting to feel the consequences of their actions. One area we are waking up to is the massive amount of pesticides we spray (especially in North America) on our food that has not only been linked to human disease but a massive die-off in the global bee population within the past few years. A new study out of…

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take your power back

How To Take Your Power Back In 3 Simple Steps

The moment we look outside of ourselves for the answer, or love, or safety, we give our power away to whatever it is we're reaching for, and we disconnect from the truth that we have all we need inside of us. This means that when we go within, we find the love and all of our answers; it's from this internal space of…

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America's organic city

Welcome to America’s Only Completely Organic City

Imagine living in a city where all products sold or served is guaranteed 100% organic by law, with zero crime rate and it’s own Institute For Natural Medicine and Prevention. Would you believe this organic city does exist, and it is the heartland of North America? Too much of America is now controlled by the vast agrochemical industry, poisoning us and our environment…

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Religion and Spirituality

7 Differences Between Religion and Spirituality

A lot of people mistake Spirituality for Religion or some mysterious, supernatural occurrence. Some even think of it as a sect but this is because of their lack of knowledge and their fear of being manipulated. If we move past this and try to study and understand what spirituality actually is, we’ll come to a realization that it is nothing mysterious or supernatural…

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