It’s normal to assume that once you leave college or reach a certain age, you should get a job.
But just because everybody does get a job, it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do.
Here are a few reasons why:
1. You get what you work for.
When you get a job, you’re usually only paid for the time that you actually work. But why not get paid for the hours that you’re not working too? Why not find a way to be making money while you’re sleeping, eating or playing with your children?
The amount of time you work doesn’t actually matter if you’re actually completing your workload. If you take three hours to complete a task or take six hours, the time it takes shouldn’t actually matter, as long as it gets done. Trading time for money is a well-known practice, but you need to start separating your value from your time in order to be working more efficiently.
Saying all of this is one thing, but how do people actually put it into practice and earn passive income? Starting a business, running a website, generating royalties from creative work or investing are some of the ways people make an income 24/7, no matter how many hours they’re actually working.
Once these systems are in place and you have a money-making the machine that can run on its own, you can focus your efforts on growing that income, rather than simply maintaining it.
2. You need the experience to get experience.
Many places that offer jobs ask for experience, but to get that experience, you need to have experience – see where the problem is? If you do manage to get a job, it generally means you gain experience as you pick up the new skills needed for that job, then where do you go from there? You’ve learned everything there is to learn.
Then, what happens if this particular skill set is no longer relevant in the world of work? The ‘experience’ you gained is then worth nothing.
Ask yourself this; would you rather know how to do one specific job really well – a job where you’re trading time for money – or, have the freedom to do what you want with your time, whilst being paid to do so? The answer is pretty straight forward, in my opinion.
3. Human domestication.
Getting a job takes away your freedom. Working for somebody else takes away your ability to do what you want when you want and most importantly, make your own money. Whilst you’re working for somebody else, all you’re doing is making them money.
4. Taxes & Overheads.
Employee income is one of the most heavily taxed areas, with half your salary going on taxes if you’re living in the USA. I’m sure you noticed this when you file your taxes each year. By taking some from employees and some from the employers, the tax system manages to sneakily hide how much income it actually takes from citizens.
A portion of your income also goes to other overheads – the office you’re working in, the investors in the company and most importantly, your boss’ fancy cars. The real value you generate whilst swapping your time for money isn’t actually going to you, but it goes towards the numerous overheads and boss’ lifestyles – how generous of you!
5. Unstable income.
Having a stable job where somebody else comfortably puts money into your account regularly in return for your time may seem like the safest option, but think about how easily that income tap could be turned off.
All it takes is for the company to lose business or to decide you aren’t the right fit and your ‘stable’ income has vanished at the hands of an employer. Having one income stream isn’t the most sensible or stable way, as opposed to running five websites that simultaneously generate you your own income – you’re in charge.
6. Yes, master.
Historically, the word ‘boss’ comes from ‘baas’, the Dutch word for ‘master’. How much longer do you feel you’re able to be a puppet on a string playing to somebody else’s agenda?
7. Begging for money.
Want a raise? An extra few dollars towards that dream house? If you have a job, the only way to do this is to ask another person. Somebody else will be the deciding factor in how much money you earn, whereas running your own business means you’re entirely in control and if one person says no, you move onto the next.
8. Singular social outlet.
Many people treat their jobs as their singular social outlet, only communicating with those within the same field, company or department as them. Working in a job where you’re put with people of somebody else’s choosing, also means they can be taken away at any point.
Why not decide for yourself who you’d like to spend time with and step outside of that box somebody else decided to put you in?
9. Freedom? Gone.
Working in a job means having your freedom taken away and the need to adhere to rules and regulations is imperative in any workplace.
The employee must follow these rules, or else they receive a form of discipline and following somebody else’s instructions becomes a daily routine for an employee. Doing what you love should be the only rule, rather than having a dress code to sit in front of a computer all day.
10. Cowardice
Employed people often complain. About everything. But they never seem to search for a solution, only blaming somebody else for mishaps. Being told what to do and not being able to speak up about issues within a workplace kind of makes you a coward and nobody likes a coward.
Reading this article may have provoked emotions in you, or you may be in denial. Either way, an emotional reaction must mean there is a grain of truth in these words and whether you admit it to yourself or not, you know it deep down. Being jobless and working for nobody but yourself can be one of the most liberating, freeing experiences and it only takes a bit of research and some hard work to get started.
Whatever your skillset is or whatever you enjoy doing, find a way to do that through adding value to others’ lives and you’ll soon have your own business venture that leaves you in control. Along the way, you can teach others what you’ve learned, earning you even more income.
All you really need is courage and the determination to never be a slave to somebody else again, trust me, you’ll look back in twenty years time and realize it was the best decision you ever made.
Hi Christina,
I spent some time thinking about the content in Steve’s article.Let’s hope he reads this.
Let’s get this straightened out: If employees did not exist, corporations could not be functional. And without corporations we could not have products and services available to us. Although this system provides your Boss the potentiality to make plenty of dough, it also encompasses your earnings and depends upon clients and repeat business. At the same time, your Boss must keep up with expenses like office space, inventory, office supplies, income taxes, property tax and his or her personal expenses. Now isn’t that a full plate?!
Your Boss is human being too. It would be different if he or she were a grey alien. In this case we would be domesticated like cattle. Yes, you are a Cog in a machine, a specialized Cog. You will NOT be paid a commensurate salary relative to how much value you provide. This is because the company must earn a profit so it can sufficiently pay you what you are owed on payday. Now without capitalism our luxurious and decadent world would merely be a dream…Think about running water, paved roads, architecture, modes of transportation, clothing, modern technology, heating, electricity and all of the fruits that stem from Western civilization. Now saying you don’t want to “work” is akin to not having the aptitude or intellect to build this civilization!
It would be nice to sit around and earn an income with something like an online store, a website, or affiliate marketing. But you know what? There are people on the other end who make that possible in the first place. It’s common sense…something that Steve forgot to include in his article…