Pursuing a fresh new career is an exciting endeavor with unlimited potential for professional success and personal satisfaction.
You can finally put yourself on the path to that dream job and land a coveted position where you look forward to heading to work each day.
Put yourself on the fast track to success with these smart tactics for kick-starting your new beginning.
1. Complete a Certificate Program
You don’t have to commit to an entire college degree to add some valuable education to your resume. Certificate programs can give you a solid refresher in an area you haven’t really studied since college graduation or can introduce you to something completely new.
If you’re in a rapidly changing field like information technology, amassing certificates are practically mandatory. In other areas, earning extra certificates will show your passion for the work and dedication to continuous improvement.
There are certifications in nearly every area. The key is finding the most respected options in your industry.
2. Build Your Network
Networking is crucial to business success! It’s one of the first things you should do when you start a new career. During your first days and weeks in a new job, you have a great advantage in that you can easily approach anyone in the office and introduce yourself as a new employee.
As time passes, it will become more difficult to find the right opening. So use your early days to your advantage and make as many connections as possible. If you are having trouble keeping track of your new connections, keep notes on your phone or in another handy place.
Collect contact information and jot down essential details that will help you strike up a conversation later or know to whom to turn for a particular type of expertise. Building a strong network will set you up for long-term success in your new career.
3. Hone Your Skill Set
Identify the skills most important to your new career and honestly assess which are your strengths and weaknesses. Find targeted ways to improve any areas where you are lacking.
If you need to work on your sales skills, consider selling products part-time to learn fresh new approaches to marketing and inventory management. If you need to brush up on your public speaking, try volunteering as a tour guide at a local museum or historic home on weekends.
Be creative and find ways to build your skills outside of your job.
4. Upgrade Your Look
There’s a lot of truth to the adage that you should dress for success. If you want to find a fast way to place yourself on the track for a potential promotion, updating your wardrobe is an easy solution.
If you are dressing very casually for work every day, your colleagues will take note when you upgrade to dark slacks and a button-down or to a skirt and blouse.
Your appearance does matter, and the right look will give you an air of professionalism, organization, and reliability. For men, trimming or shaving facial hair can result in a cleaner look.
Women can often get similar results by heading to the salon for a new hairstyle or going to the makeup counter to explore options for a fresher look.
5. Get Organized
A cluttered desk will decrease your efficiency and give you a certain air of unprofessionalism. Keep things clean and organized and you’ll make an entirely different impression.
Set up your workspace so you’re the sought-out colleague who always has essentials on hand, from extra copies of the latest report to a handy agenda for the week’s events. Your added efforts won’t go unnoticed.
It is important to have a job you enjoy in an industry you are passionate about.
Work hard, and you can kick-start your professional endeavors to get where you need to be as quickly as possible.