Partner Has Depression Or Anxiety

How to Care for a Partner with Depression or Anxiety

Depression or anxiety can affect one in five adults during their lifetime - is your partner one of them? There is hope for relationships, in this area, and you can help your special someone cope with their mental illness. There really is no simple way to talk about depression or anxiety. They are complicated monsters that can affect all areas of your life.…

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morning rituals

11 Morning Rituals That Can Change Your Life

Your morning can be that make-or-break time that sets you up for a good day or a bad day. Here are 11-morning rituals you can establish that will put you on the path of stringing together good day after a good day. 1. Drink a Glass of Warm Lemon Water Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning…

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Ways to Come Alive

29 Ways to Come Alive, Not Just Exist

It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut. Maybe for a day or two. Or as weeks bleed into months and nothing much happens. You just trudge along. You go through the motions, life is on autopilot. It feels OK. But at the same time, you have a small voice whispering in the back of your mind. It says “It’s time to…

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