The future is here! Articles about the recent advances in science and technology innovations that can make our world better and take our lives to the next level.
A vast array of direct mind control techniques are being announced in the wake of investment from the government via the U.S. BRAIN project and Europe’s counterpart the Human Brain Project All told, billions of dollars are being spent to decide what makes us tick and how to change it. We are being given gadgets that create a brain-computer interface, magnetic manipulation via…
We all know that everyone is using more and more mobile and wireless technology devices. Wifi hotspots are springing up everywhere, Cell Towers are being upgraded, 4G is more powerful and can transmit data quicker and over a longer distance. At home and at work we are surrounded by pulse modulate electromagnetic (EM) fields from wireless devices. You are probably reading this article…
Neomammalian Studios, a UK-based infographics agency, put together this infographic containing 50 facts about Earth that you probably won’t believe. We had no idea that the largest meteor ever to fall to earth left no crater, that there is as much ice in Antarctica as there is water in the Atlantic Ocean, that bacteria have been found alive 1.7 miles below the Earth’s…
Having analyzed huge volumes of data regarding the scientific studies and patent applications, the company Thomson Reuters, a child agency of Reuters, came up with a list of ten innovations that promise a dramatic world change by 2025. Intellectual Property and Science Department of the company initially identified ten areas of scientific research which are most often referred to in the scientific literature.…
The Good Country Index ranks 125 nations based on how much they do for others globally in seven areas: science and technology, culture, international peace and security, world order, planet and climate, prosperity and equality, and health and well being. The ranking was created by merging of 35 data sets produced by organizations like the UN, WHO, and UNESCO over a period of nearly…
19-year-old Boyan Slat has unveiled plans to create an Ocean Cleanup Array that could remove 7,250,000 tons of plastic waste from the world’s oceans. The device consists of an anchored network of floating booms and processing platforms that could be dispatched to garbage patches around the world. Instead of moving through the ocean, the array would span the radius of a garbage patch, acting as a giant…
Are you the type of person who cannot ignore heartache? If so, then you are one of many highly sensitive people. Do you find yourself crying over "little things"? Do you have a strange gift for perception, especially when it comes to social situations? Highly sensitive people have the ability to notice everything, and in turn, everything brings an emotional response. Be it…
We all have a deep desire to find that one perfect person to spend the rest of our days with. That one person when we meet, you feel an uncontrollable desire and an illogical sense of familiarity with. As if you’ve known that person for a lifetime, or perhaps lifetimes. Whatever you want to call it, films and TV series alike have romanticized…