Tips on how to build a strong and happy relationship with your romantic partner to make sure that it will last. Articles about problems, disagreements and toxic patterns that often arise in relationships and ways to prevent and handle them.
1. His Erogenous Spots The male body, like that a female, contains many turn on spots or passion spots. Touching and teasing a man in these areas can't help but to turn on all of his senses and to make him feel very good. There are places on a man's body that contain super sensitive nerve endings that stimulate him immediately. Below are…
How often have you heard the term “soulmate” being thrown around? We all know a general definition, but how many of us can actually say they have found theirs? There are people who confuse soulmates with life partners, claiming they have found one when they’re actually speaking about the other. Settling down with a life partner, however, should not be undermined simply because…
The moment we look outside of ourselves for the answer, or love, or safety, we give our power away to whatever it is we're reaching for, and we disconnect from the truth that we have all we need inside of us. This means that when we go within, we find the love and all of our answers; it's from this internal space of…
Breaking up is usually extremely difficult and hurtful. However, there are many life lessons to be learned when this happens. Listen, I've had my fair share of breaking up experiences. I have been dumped and I have also dumped others as well. Let me tell you, neither one was all that fun. Someone will always be hurt in a way that they will…
All through my life, I’ve been the kind of person who put other people’s needs first, whether that’s a lover, a friend or a boss. It was as if I couldn’t express my own wants and desires, so I lived totally and utterly to please others. Looking back I know that I didn’t think I was good enough or worthy enough to be…
A recent online course unraveled psychedelic science, medicine, art, and spirituality. The problem with banning anything out of a fear of the unknown is that many unknowns will remain. Such is the story of many psychedelic drugs in the U.S. While the government has experimented with various psychedelic compounds (take the CIA's secret attempts at LSD mind-control between 1953 to 1964) over the…
The most popular Google search for last year was the question: “What is Love?” And the Guardian newspaper asked five "experts" to answer what love is. A physicist, a psychotherapist, a philosopher, an author of romantic novels and a nun gave their answer to the question about Love, from their personal perspective on the subject. 1. The Physicist "Love is chemistry" (Answers Jim…
Dating is an adventure. And adventures can be fun … or they can be disastrous. I want your dating adventure to be fun, which is why I wrote this article for you. Below are eight surprising myths about dating that are important for you to know. Learning these myths will help you have a lot more fun and success while you're out there…