Some advice on how to establish social connections, build strong and long-lasting romantic relationships and communicate effectively with the people from various areas of your life, such as the workplace, friend circle and family environment.

Social Situations confidence

Expressing Yourself and Showing Confidence in New Social Situations

Do you ever wish you could take charge of all kinds of social situations? Let's take a look at how to be more confident, shall we? Here is what's supposed to happen in social situations: Usually, when you meet new people, you exude grace and you show your true feelings. You are open, allowing those new people to see you as a transparent…

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4 Ways Being Selfish Is A Good Thing!

All through my life, I’ve been the kind of person who put other people’s needs first, whether that’s a lover, a friend or a boss. It was as if I couldn’t express my own wants and desires, so I lived totally and utterly to please others. Looking back I know that I didn’t think I was good enough or worthy enough to be…

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Music Affects and Benefits our Brains

8 Surprising Ways Music Affects and Benefits our Brains

Music is everywhere we turn, playing a big part in all of our lives – but how does it really affect our brains and our bodies? “Without music, life would be a mistake” – Friedrich Nietzsche 1. Happy or sad music affects our ability to see neutral faces: Generally, when we hear a sad song, we can identify that it sounds sad and…

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5 Mind-Blowing Lessons from Psychedelics Experts

A recent online course unraveled psychedelic science, medicine, art, and spirituality. The problem with banning anything out of a fear of the unknown is that many unknowns will remain. Such is the story of many psychedelic drugs in the U.S. While the government has experimented with various psychedelic compounds (take the CIA's secret attempts at LSD mind-control between 1953 to 1964) over the…

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What Love Is Science Philosophy Religion

What Love Is According to Science, Philosophy and Religion

The most popular Google search for last year was the question: “What is Love?” And the Guardian newspaper asked five "experts" to answer what love is. A physicist, a psychotherapist, a philosopher, an author of romantic novels and a nun gave their answer to the question about Love, from their personal perspective on the subject. 1. The Physicist "Love is chemistry" (Answers Jim…

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Want to Change the World

Want to Change the World? Do This One Thing

How to Change the World? It seems like a big, unmovable feat that we all want to achieve but feels as though we never will. There are so many problems with our universe that we have no idea where to even begin to make a change. Although there are millions of people currently working towards creating a better world for ourselves and our…

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Myths About Dating Keeping You Single

8 Myths About Dating That Are Keeping You Single

Dating is an adventure. And adventures can be fun … or they can be disastrous. I want your dating adventure to be fun, which is why I wrote this article for you. Below are eight surprising myths about dating that are important for you to know. Learning these myths will help you have a lot more fun and success while you're out there…

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Have An Adventurous Life

4 Ways To Have An Adventurous Life (Without Going Anywhere!)

Don’t we all want some form of an adventurous life? This could mean a luxurious hotel in Vegas, new hiking trails somewhere nearby, a dirty hostel in Berlin, the amusement park in the next town over, or even trying a new restaurant. This past weekend, I took a road trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Nothing ground-breaking happened with the logistics or…

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