Inspirational articles about people and events that make our world a better place to live in. Heart-warming stories and positive news that will revive your belief in the good in people.

Dalai Lama

Someone Asked The Dalai Lama What Surprises Him Most

You could say that the Dalai Lama is a pretty interesting guy, after all his stance on extraterrestrial life is quite interesting. During an interview the Dalai Lama was asked what surprises him the most, his response was quite mind-altering. “Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his…

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Will Smith quotes

9 Quotes by Will Smith to Inspire You to Live Life Your Own Way

I love Will Smith, his movies are awesome. His acting is great and you know something? He’s an inspiring dude. Will Smith is not just some celebrity, he’s a goldmine of inspiration and intelligence. You’d be surprised how much you can learn from Will Smith when it comes to living your life your own way to attain the success you deserve. Here are…

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countries in the world

He Visited All 201 Countries In The World WITHOUT Using A Plane

Graham Hughes, a 33-year-old adventurer from Liverpool, England, has become the first person to visit all 201 countries in the world – WITHOUT using a plane. Hughes used buses, taxis, trains and his own two feet to travel 160,000 miles in exactly 1,426 days – all on a shoestring of just $100 a week. And it was no easy task. He spent four days “crossing…

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The Hang Drum A World of Harmonies

The Hang Drum: A World of Harmonies in your Hands

I want you to remember one of those fantasy movies that TV played during the holiday season and usually starred some faerie or mermaid story of sorts. Normally, the faeries/mermaids/whatever would have a banquet at some point in the movie, and you'd hear this beautiful, graceful, ethereal sound. I want you to remember that sound. And now I want you to imagine it…

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07-The Story of Loukanikos and Other Greek Riot Dogs

The Touching Story of Loukanikos and Other Greek Riot Dogs

It was a quiet day in May 2014, when the Greek riot dog that had been on Time's "Personalities of the year" list in 2011, was sleeping peacefully as his heart stopped beating on the couch of his human caretaker. The dog's name was Loukanikos, the Greek word for "Sausage." He was 10 years old, and he will be remembered. Loukanikos will be…

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Thích Nhất Hạnh

30 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Thích Nhất Hạnh

When I think of Thích Nhất Hạnh, words like – stillness, love, compassion, peace and oneness, come to mind. And even though these are some really beautiful and powerful words, they somehow can’t really express the beautiful, pure and loving feelings that I get from reading Thích Nhất Hạnh’s books and watching his beautiful videos. Thích Nhất Hạnh is someone who’s work I…

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Listening To People's Stories

How Listening to People and Their Stories Changed My Life

This is my story of how listening to people and their personal stories changed me and my life. I hope it will inspire you to be kinder with those around you. On September 22nd, 2013, 9:17 of a sunny and crisp Sunday morning, my father died. The heart attack was not entirely unexpected, but sudden nonetheless. This incident changed my life forever. I was…

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quotes about happiness

15 Quotes about Happiness to Inspire You to Live Your Best Life

Life is what you make of it – so why not make your happy? In the face of challenge, defeat, disappointment, discouragement, tragedy, and failure, it can sometimes be difficult to focus on the positive. But if you understand that your emotions start from within, you have the power to create a vibrant, fulfilling and happy existence – the life that you’ve always…

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