Stray Kitten Growing up with 5 Ferrets

Rescued Stray Kitten Growing up with 5 Ferrets Thinks She’s a Ferret Too

Animals are amazing creatures that, unlike humans, are not familiar with such things as hatred, prejudice, and social stereotypes. Even despite the natural order of things, some seemingly incompatible animal species can perfectly get along if they grow together from an early age. I’m sure you have heard about cats and dogs growing up together like the best friends, even though these two…

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Skills to Learn

4 Skills to Learn If You Want to Move Towards a Better Life

One thing life can share with video games is the need to acquire proficiencies. As you go through your existence, you will need to figure out how to do things and eventually find some new skills to learn. Some competencies are esoteric and complex and of limited utility; others are commonplace and easy and widely applicable. It is to the latter set of…

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Different Types of Gout

Different Types of Gout: The Causes, Symtoms and Treatment

You’ve likely heard the term “gout”, but do you know what it is, and what to do about it? Gout is actually a very painful type of arthritis. In order to alleviate the pain of this condition, it must be treated, either by a doctor or by using one of many home remedies. There are different types of gout, and it can be acute…

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Make Your Brain Work Super Fast

5 Tips to Make Your Brain Work Super Fast

Everyone wishes they had more energy and an ability to think faster, to be smarter, and to have the sharpest wit and best memory possible. But like six-pack abs, a swimsuit body, or a higher college degree, these things do not come free or easily. The good news is that if you work at it – and you know specifically what to work…

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Video Games Help Improve Yourself

Video Games Can Help You Improve Yourself

When video games first came out, people regarded them as little more than parlor entertainment – something to distract people after a long day of hard work, as they were games that you could just sit down and play casually. Even with rampant technological advances, many still continue to view video games as distractions hardly befitting closer inspection, but some initiatives have begun…

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Give Yourself a Motivation Makeover

5 Foolproof Ways to Give Yourself a Motivation Makeover

People from all around the world admire the success of those who we consider accomplished people. And indeed, the reason why we admire them is known– it’s because to accomplish what they’ve done, they had to put in a lot of effort, which we consider ourselves unable to do. But as a matter of fact, if a man has a dream and is…

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Marriage Social Media Mistakes

Marriage: Do You Make These Social Media Mistakes?

While social media is often viewed as a way to make new friends with people you have something in common with, a mounting body of evidence is accumulating that social media is bad for people in a relationship. Things can get even worse for those who are married because their social media mistakes may trigger suspicion, stir up arguments, and even be grounds…

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Feeling Stuck In Life

Feeling Stuck In Life? 11 Lies You Tell Yourself to Avoid Change

Here you sit, pretty miserable and alone, feeling stuck in life and knowing that you need to make some changes. Your job has gotten beyond stressful; your relationship is on the rocks; you gained back all 40 pounds that you tried so hard to lose; your best friend and confidant has moved away. But you don’t move. Why are you feeling stuck in…

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