We Experience 3 Kinds of Love Our Life Why

We Experience These 3 Kinds of Love During Our Life and There Is a Specific Reason Why

Each one of us experiences 3 kinds of love in our entire life. "There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single throbbing moment." - Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever Authoress Sarah Dessen is spot on that love comes at unexpected times, but may be off the mark about saying that it…

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Truth Life Learned Man Seen 12000 Deaths

The Striking Truth about Life Learned from a Man Who Has Seen 12000 Deaths

What is the best way to find out the truth about life? The Hindus believe that a person who breathes his last attains what they term "Kashi Labh," or the karmic cycle of rebirth. Birav Nath Shukla has an occupation that not many will envy, but it has armed him with a degree in the School of Life. He is the Manager of…

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French Women Manage Stay Slim Attractive

How French Women Manage to Stay Slim and Attractive (Without Even Trying)

French people are not known for being reserved when it comes to eating. After all, theirs is the land of buttery croissants, escargots, and boeuf bourguignon (beef stewed in red wine). Despite the richness of their country’s cuisine, French women manage to remain stunningly slender and pique interest with their attractiveness.

Just how do they do it?

Observations from the City of Lights

A stroll around Paris serves as an eye-opener. You will witness life moving like a French escargot – very slowly. Moms relish the company of their little children in Luxembourg Gardens. Lovers laze on park benches in the afternoon, kissing with abandon.

Life seems to be at a standstill. Yet, each French woman you come across is model thin. French women have mastered the art of balance; they appreciate life without looking as if they do so excessively.

10 Tips from a French Woman on Staying Slim

French women show that it is possible to stay fit without doing much at all. They are ready to share weight loss tips with you if you are willing to practice them.

1. Stress and Fun Go Hand-in-Hand

The French take long siestas. It is not uncommon to find them enjoying long lunch hours. It is common to see a French woman staring out of a cafe window (more…)

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Attachment Styles How They Govern Your Relationships

4 Attachment Styles and How They Govern Your Relationships

Insecure attachment styles prevent a person from forming healthy emotional connections. What attachment style do you have? Do you try to start new relationships but come up blank? Is finding friends difficult for you? Do you have trouble relating to your business associates? Some people feel that health and well-being are the keys to happiness. Others believe that a person's joy stems from…

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Gaslighting How to Recognize Partner Manipulate You

What Is Gaslighting and How to Recognize If Your Partner Is Using It on You

Have you ever been in a relationship with a person who nearly drove you out of your mind? Did they have a way of making you feel guilty beyond belief, even though it was them who made missteps in the relationship? You may have been the unfortunate victim of gaslighting. If you have experienced similar scenarios in your current relationship, you should take…

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Toxic Mix Why Empaths and Narcissists Attracted

The Toxic Mix: Why Empaths and Narcissists Are Attracted To Each Other

Opposites attract, as the law of magnetism states. It is a true one and indeed, and applies in relationships. Diametrically different personalities attract each other like the opposite poles of a magnet. So it is with empaths and narcissists. Each personality type has distinct traits. While the former character is sensitive, astute and self-sacrificing, the latter is manipulative and egocentric. A relationship between…

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Finding True Love Ancient Personality Test Five Elements

How the Chinese Five Elements Can Help You Find True Love

Do you dream about finding true love? The Chinese five elements will help you out! The meeting of two characters is like the contact of two chemical substances; they transform if there is a reaction. – Carl Jung Many factors govern relationships. Two people may gel or part for many reasons. World-renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung who founded analytical psychology was spot on about the…

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We Are Unwittingly Sabotaging Relationships

10 Ways We Are Unwittingly Sabotaging Relationships

Why are people sabotaging good relationships so often? For the commitment-phobic, managing a relationship can seem like climbing Mount Everest. Without a doubt, it can be difficult to navigate. If you find yourself starting quarrels in your relationships endlessly, it may be time to take a step back and take stock of why you sabotage them. You will avoid spoiling a solid relationship.…

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