Spending Time With Family

6 Reasons Spending Time With Family Is More Important Than You Think

The next time one of your loved ones nags at you about spending time with family, you may want to take the grumbling seriously. Studies prove that you should, for many reasons. Finding quality time in this busy day and age is a challenge, but not impossible. There are a few ways you can set it aside for your loved one without feeling…

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10 Common Phrases People Say to their Partner That Kill Relationships

Common Phrases People Say to Their Partners and Kill Love

Relationships improve as people grow close. Closeness can only happen if two people interact and communicate with each other. While this seems like a tall order, it is within your control. One of the actions you can take to improve your relationships is to avoid using the common phrases that spoil them. These are the things you may say, albeit unconsciously, that may…

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People Become Victims Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic Abuse: 6 Types of People Who Are More Likely to Be Victims

Being in a relationship with a narcissist can leave a person feeling shattered. Narcissists are master manipulators, so it is hard to avoid their clutches. How can victims of narcissistic abuse help themselves? There are ways to break free from the torment. The first step is to understand that they are victims. Note that victims of psychological torture have distinct traits. Once they…

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Signs Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

6 Signs of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Unusual Steps to Deal with It

Everyone feels exhausted after a long day of school or work. If that tiredness is constant, it can become debilitating. This condition is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. How would patients detect their signs? Coping with this complex syndrome takes more than getting enough rest. Patients need to manage it with unique strategies. What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? The term is self-explanatory. Another name for…

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Get High Without Drugs

11 Ways to Get High Without Drugs

This revelation is good news. Do you know that there are ways to get high without drugs? This information should please those who want to alleviate stress without their detrimental effects. People rely on drugs and painkillers because they are relaxing, at least for a time. Consequently, they use drugs to alter their consciousness. Also, it is a way for people to decrease…

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8-Insecure Vs Confident: Mind blowing photo project

Insecure Vs Confident: Mind-Blowing Photo Project Demonstrates How Our Self-Esteem Changes the Way We Look

Do you know that others can size you up because of the way you carry yourself? A keen eye may pick up on how fearful and insecure you are. You may not realize it, but the way you stand or sit reveals a lot of information about you. Here is what your posture may tell others about your confidence. Why proper body language is essential…

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words and phrases

Common Words and Phrases That Program Your Body for Illness

You may not realize it, but what you say may affect your well-being more profoundly than you think. The words and phrases you use can either boost or destroy your health. Research by famed German psychotherapist Nossrat Peseschkian supports this theory. It reveals that the negative things we say may introduce illness in our bodies. How our language affects our body There is…

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Recognize Controlling Behavior Stages Relationship

How to Recognize Controlling Behavior in the Early Stages of a Relationship

Are you frightened of offending your partner? Are you unexpectedly quiet and reserved when he or she is around? A manipulative or abusive relationship can run you ragged both physically and emotionally. If you have such a partner, you will want to leave the relationship as early as possible. However, romantic involvement can make you oblivious to controlling behavior. Controlling personalities have ways…

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