Nothing lifts your spirits quite like inspirational quotes about life. They put positive thoughts in your mind and keep you motivated.

They help you understand things you’re going through and see the light in the darkness. Also, they give you a whole new perspective on your situations and relationships.

Life is complicated and sometimes can be quite hard to swallow, and that’s why a few kind and inspirational words can help you bear the burdens in all areas of life.

Improving your life by finding inspirational quotes

There have been many statements that provide strength in times of need. I’m sure you’ve heard statements such as “Don’t worry, be happy”, or “There is always a light at the end of the tunnel”. Honestly, these are just simple silly statements meant to brighten your day – sometimes they help and sometimes they don’t.

True inspirational quotes can make you think about life a little harder than that.

Here are a few that really motivate the mind and help you make that fresh start!

‘When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be’

-Lao Tzu

Let’s think about this for a moment. It seems that most of us hold onto an older version of self, one which is worn out and filled withpast regrets. We have become accustomed to this persona and find comfort even in our weaknesses.

But why not let it go? Why not strive to become a new version of self, filled with dreams and goals. We really have no idea what we can be if we allow ourselves to give up old images of what we were. It’s time to close one chapter and open the next!

‘If not us, who? If not now, when?’

-John F. Kennedy

There will always be something that needs to be done or a movement that should take place. We hear people talk about how things should change, but those people don’t want to make that change happen. There’s so much talk about everything and no one wants to take action.

This quote asks, “Who will do the things we need to be done?” and “ When will these things happen?” The point is, we should be ready to take action on what we think and feel and there’s no reason why WE can’t be the one to do it!

‘Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path, and make a trail’

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

It’s about being a leader instead of a follower. I think, in this life, we have quite enough followers, and we are in dire need of new ideas. So many people try desperately to keep up with the new trends and ideas, but most fail miserably.

So, why not create your own standards and views. You shouldn’t have to follow a religion or movement which restricts your own values in exchange for a bit of commonality. You can have life exactly the way you want it. If the idea doesn’t exist, then all you have to do is create!

‘Education costs money, but then so does ignorance’

-Sir Claus Moser

Yes, education costs money, and universities can put you in debt for a while. This is true but think of it in a different light. Without education, what are the costs?

For one, without education, your wages will be lower and career choices will be scarce. Considering the cost of living is high, these low wages will make it hard to survive.

But that’s not the only cost of the lack of education. Without education, your life will not be as full and colorful as it could have been. You will not have the knowledge to do some things on your own if you haven’t learned how.

You will forever be stuck at the mercy of learned entrepreneurs. Although education costs, it can open doors that otherwise would be shut to the ignorant.

‘Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose’

-Lyndon B. Johnson

We must stop dwelling on the past because there is nothing we can do to change it. We can be upset or we can be happy, it does nothing about this situation. Better yet, we should look to the future, which is in our control.

We can make it great or we can fail. Tomorrow is up to us, and yesterday is set in stone. It’s just facts.

‘Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it’

Dennis P. Kimbro

We hear people complaining all the time about how life has affected them. They seem defeated by the things that life gave. It’s as if life were a living breathing human which controls their every decision, right?

It would seem that life is bad for people for the most part. However, this idea is ludicrous.

Life’s incidences are only a small percent of the quality we live. Our reaction to what life gives us has a much larger effect on how we feel. So, this would mean that we are in control of our own happiness, or a least 90% of this. It’s time we paid attention to facts and then react accordingly.

‘Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference’

Winston Churchill

Your whole view of life can make life even more difficult or much better. If life is already good to you, your attitude can make it better, but your attitude can make it crash as well. It all depends on whether you think positive or negative.

Although your character, personality, and mood may seem like little things, they can be huge influences on your life.

‘The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket’

-Will Rogers

I guess we all want to save money, and many of us want to make it grow! Let me change that. I think we all want to see our money grow. So, what do we do? We try anything and everything to have that come to fruition. Guess what? It’s not as hard as you think to see growth in your finances.

The simplest way to double your money is to stop spending it. Is that new coat necessary? Do you really need those shoes? Every decision to NOT PURCHASE is a way to save money.

So, instead of trying every gimmick and program to double your money, why not just keep it in your pocket. It may sound silly, but it works, 100%!

Let’s live life to its fullest!

I love these quotes, and guess what? There are so many other inspirational quotes that can make a huge difference in your life. So, let’s start every day.

With that warm and wonderful cup of coffee in hand, why not take a moment to read through some influential quotes that just might make your day beautiful!

Trust me! It’s worth it and the difference will give you a new zest for life!



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