Your Friends Are Not Your Real Friends

Half of Your Friends Are Not Your Real Friends, Study Finds

Have you ever asked yourself if all of your friends are actually real friends? I’ve always wondered who my real friends were, that is until I decided that quality is much better than quantity in that area. The word 'friend' is defined in several ways. They aren’t enemies, they should be trustworthy and they should take a certain liking to you and you to…

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Finding Faith - Self-Improvement

5 Steps to Finding Faith on the Path to Self-Improvement

Finding faith to cope with the stress you feel in your life is not always easy. However, finding resources and outlets for it is more important than ever, especially because stress affects both the mind and body. It can also lead to a number of emotional issues, such as anxiety and depression, and it may even prompt some people to abuse drugs and…

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Reasons People Let Go Of Their Dreams

8 Bad Reasons Why People Let Go Of Their Dreams

Every single child in the world has special ambitions and personal dreams. However, at some decisive point in life, there comes a situation that directs the person’s future. A certain group of people will strive forwards and achieve their goals, whilst another group will let them slip away and will finally let go of their dreams. There is something called conformity – the…

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Life Lessons to Learn

7 Life Lessons to Learn on a Daily Basis‏

There are so many life lessons that we learn on a daily basis. These lessons can be learned from various sources so it’s good to consider different events. This enables us to have a perspective from which to factually look at situations and how they can help us in improving our lives. 1. Learn to appreciate your day Begin your day with a…

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morning rituals

11 Morning Rituals That Can Change Your Life

Your morning can be that make-or-break time that sets you up for a good day or a bad day. Here are 11-morning rituals you can establish that will put you on the path of stringing together good day after a good day. 1. Drink a Glass of Warm Lemon Water Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning…

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