Amazing Psychological Benefits of Non-Sexual Touching

6 Amazing Psychological Effects of Non-Sexual Touching

When thinking of our five senses, the four most popular ones come to mind: sight, hearing, smell, and taste. But people don’t often realise how imperative touch can be to us, as humans, and how non-sexual touching at the correct time in the appropriate place can have a strong psychological effect. Here we present you 6 psychological effects of non-sexual touching: 1. Money…

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Emotional Manipulation in Relationships

8 Warning Signs of Emotional Manipulation in Relationships

What is emotional manipulation? Emotional manipulation is when friends or loved ones use methods such as guilt-tripping, shaming and using fear to manipulate others. It can be done in both a subtle or very overt manner, but either way is unacceptable. It’s safe to say that at some point in our lives we may have done the following, but it’s usually followed by…

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Wierd Things Couples in Long-Term Relationships Do

5 Weird Things Couples in Long-Term Relationships Do

Being in a long-term relationship with someone, you start to notice small but subtle changes in your actions, and more shockingly, the things you are comfortable with. While some of these things may take some time to warm up to your partner, being with them for an extended period, you may not notice these few things once the both of you come around.…

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Relationship Will Last

A Mathematical Formula Predicts Whether Your Relationship Will Last

Once upon a time, figuring out how to keep that special someone in your life took time, dedication, and a whole lot of trial and error events. Now, what if I told you that there was an actual mathematical formula behind all of these interactions that, in fact, predicts whether your relationship will last or not? As fate would have it, a mathematician…

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Warm Up Your Relationship This Summer

Warm Up Your Relationship This Summer with These 5 Tips!

With our days warming up and nights getting shorter, shouldn’t we start to give our relationships a bit of care too? Well, if you are like most of us, shaking off the winter blues is a little bit harder than we would like to admit. So let’s warm our bones and our hearts this summer with your significant other! Read on to learn…

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Hinder Your Relationship

4 Thought Patterns That Hinder Your Relationship

As we try to build relationships to be the best they can be, we often let ourselves dwell on negative thoughts that will hinder your relationship over time. While many think that these fears are just passing thoughts, for some they are just moments of doubt. However, for many more, there is a fear that is always gnawing in the back of their…

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Excuses holding you back

Are your Excuses Holding you Back?

How often do you use excuses that are holding you back from living the life of your dreams? I hear it all the time, I would love to do “enter cool thing here” but I don’t have enough….. Time. ~ Money. ~ Experience. ~ Connections. And the list of excuses goes on and on and on…. Most of the time you may not even…

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How To Say I Love You Around The World – Infographic

With over 7 billion people in the world and only one soulmate, your true love could be absolutely anywhere! If your partner comes from a different part of the world, why not surprise them and tell them you love them in their native language? You might even meet and fall for someone on your travels, so why not impress them with some romantic…

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