Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

3 Ways to Finally Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparing yourself to others can leave you drained, unhappy and ultimately insecure in yourself because you’re looking at the things that they have, that you don’t, instead of focusing on the positives you have yourself. In today’s society, it’s easier than ever to compare yourself to others around you. Making yourself feel this way has hugely negative effects that you may not even…

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Emotional Manipulation in Relationships

8 Warning Signs of Emotional Manipulation in Relationships

What is emotional manipulation? Emotional manipulation is when friends or loved ones use methods such as guilt-tripping, shaming and using fear to manipulate others. It can be done in both a subtle or very overt manner, but either way is unacceptable. It’s safe to say that at some point in our lives we may have done the following, but it’s usually followed by…

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Healthy Couples Have in Common

This Is the Thing All Healthy Couples Have in Common

In a world where everyone agrees with your thoughts, motives, and actions, some would say we would have a much better world indeed. However, we are not alone in this world, so we have all come to understand that sometimes people will just not see things in the way that we do. This fact becomes more apparent the longer you are in a…

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Reduce Stress, Anxiety

Lessons from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT has long been a favorite of psychologists and therapists worldwide. If you went to see your family doctor because of problems with stress or anxiety it is highly likely that they would recommend a program of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Despite this, some of the simple techniques from CBT that you can make use of for yourself are not…

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Visualization Techique-Imagination

Visualization Technique: The Future Self Movie

Visualization is a very powerful technique because the brain cannot distinguish imagination from the reality we experience - thus believes that whatever we imagine is the reality? If used carefully can yield amazing results in our character, our behavior, and situations we experience. We present you a visualization technique where all the senses are used, and which you can use in your everyday life.…

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Live a Good Life

How Do You Really Live a Good Life?

This is the question that I have most asked myself down the years. What is life, and what makes for a good life? My way of thinking is that I always try and start with the foundations of an idea first and then work through the details. A lot of people seem to get stuck into the details first without any care for the…

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