Tips on how to make friends, build trust, and form bonds with the people in different areas of your life, including social circle and workplace. Articles about recognizing and handling toxic and negative people among your social connections.

Your Friends Are Not Your Real Friends

Half of Your Friends Are Not Your Real Friends, Study Finds

Have you ever asked yourself if all of your friends are actually real friends? I’ve always wondered who my real friends were, that is until I decided that quality is much better than quantity in that area. The word 'friend' is defined in several ways. They aren’t enemies, they should be trustworthy and they should take a certain liking to you and you to…

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Things I Learned about Introverts

10 Things I Learned about Introverts After Two Years of Living with an Introverted Roommate

In this article, I will try to explain, based on my experience, why introverts are awesome personalities. I am an extrovert. I admit it, I embrace it and I like it. Never does anyone stay a stranger in my presence very long. To me, people, noise, and rather constant activity is a way of life. After graduating from college, I moved to a…

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Communicate with a Person Who Has Social Anxiety

6 Things You Need to Know to Communicate with a Person Who Has Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety is a disorder that impacts more than 20 million people. While many people with social anxiety are also introverts, it is not exactly the same thing. An introvert might be able to interact socially with no fears or anxiety; they simply need enough personal time to recharge after doing so. With the social anxiety disorder, sufferers have a deep-seated fear that…

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Dream Killers How To Spot and Avoid Them

Dream Killers: How to Spot and Remove Them from Your Social Circle

Removing dream killers from your social circle will allow you to progress to your desired destination. These are the people who hold you back. If you’re looking to make a difference in the world, you’re on an admirable quest. You want the things that you do to benefit not only yourself but those around you. Ambitious dreams take this concept to a global scale. Do…

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Things Should Stop Letting People Do

20 Things You Should Finally Stop Letting People Do to You

This is a person’s life and sometimes they need to take a stand. Even though they have no control over the things done to them, they can choose not to be lessened by them. They can decide not to let the opinions and actions of others occupy their mind and heart. They have control over who they stand beside and who to let…

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Introverts Make the Best Life Partners

5 Reasons Why Introverts Make the Best Life Partners

Introverts are known for being shy, socially anxious reclusive; however, this isn’t necessarily true. Sure, some people may also have these traits but more often than not, it isn’t the case. The real defining point of whether somebody is an introvert or an extrovert is how they gain their energy – around people or alone. Introverts prefer to spend their time alone to…

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Your Friend is a True Friend

5 Ways to Know if Your Friend is a True Friend

Not every person in your life you consider to be your friend is indeed a true friend. Being let down by people in your life is the only way to learn that you shouldn’t rely on others. Unfortunately, it’s inevitable. We all get let down at some point in our lives and those we thought were friends, didn’t have our best interests at…

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Being a Sports Fan

This Is How Being a Sports Fan Can Be Good for You

You can do a lot of things to improve your mood and your overall well-being, such as using Himalayan salt lamps and developing a meditation practice. But did you know that being a sports fan can actually be good for you also? The benefits aren't just in the excitement of watching your team win. There are many benefits in cheering for a team,…

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