A healthy lifestyle is a way of living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill or dying early. What changes can you introduce into your daily life that can ensure that you stay happy, fit and healthy?

50 Tricks to Get Things Done Faster, Better, and More Easily

50 Tricks to Get Things Done Faster, Better, and More Easily

We all want to get stuff done, whether it’s the work we have to do so we can get on with what we want to do, or indeed, the projects we feel are our purpose in life. To that end, here’s a collection of 50 hacks, tips, tricks, and mnemonic devices I’ve collected that can help you work better. 1. Most Important Tasks…

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Gregory Kloehn Repurposes Trash Into Vibrant Houses for the Homeless

Gregory Kloehn Repurposes Trash Into Vibrant Houses for the Homeless

The necessity to shelter the homeless is a prevalent and widespread reality in many urban areas, including Oakland, California, the hometown of American artist Gregory Kloehn who is using his creative capacity as an action for change. As the founder of the ‘homeless homes project‘ — a community-driven initiative — Kloehn has realized a low-cost, practical, and imaginative solution for the construction of habitable…

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Look for Restaurants that are Certified for Recovering Waste

Looking for certified for recovering waste restaurants? A new certification program launched by the Food Recovery Network encourages people to think about where leftover food ends up. Many of us think about the source of our food – where and how it’s grown, and by whom – but much less thought is given to where it goes once we’ve eaten our fill. At…

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pineal gland nutrition

Nutrition for the Mind’s Eye: Foods to Reactivate Your Pineal Gland

The mind’s eye, scientifically known as the pineal gland, is considered to be the gateway to higher levels of consciousness. In case you weren't aware, the pineal gland is a small pine cone-shaped endocrine gland in the brain that produces and secretes the hormone, melatonin. It is also believed that the pineal gland is responsible for the release of Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Also known…

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Reasons You Should Never Get a Job

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Get a Job

It’s normal to assume that once you leave college or reach a certain age, you should get a job. But just because everybody does get a job, it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. Here are a few reasons why: 1. You get what you work for. When you get a job, you’re usually only paid for the time that you actually…

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save water

Old Red Goes Green: Recycled Wall Brick Built to Save Water

It might look like your typical old red clay house-building brick on one side, but turn it over and there is a shift that hints at a deeper design change – one that is eco-friendly but also expressive in a way that most walls or brick are not. Designed by Jin-young Yoon to be made from recycled plastic and decomposed leaves, this brick…

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Eating Meat Again

Why I’m Eating Meat Again & Loving It

As I'm writing this article, I know that I'm going to receive criticism. However, I feel it is my duty as a certified health and life coach to be authentic and speak my truth so that others out there who feel the same can be confident in their lifestyle choices and maybe even start voicing them to the world as well. For more…

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high-intensity workout and stretch

A High-Intensity Workout + Stretch You Can Use All Summer

It only takes stretching and a regular high-intensity workout to stay in shape this summer. Why not try this out! Maybe the last thing you want to do is a high-intensity workout, I know I get reluctant to take this plunge on a regular basis. I used to work out like this, even partaking of a daily stretch before my workout began. Even…

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