Diseases and health conditions with the description of their symptoms, causes and treatment options. Suggestions for managing them and finding relief.

Warning Signs of High Blood Sugar

20 Warning Signs of High Blood Sugar and What to Do to Bring It Down

Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, is a condition that is becoming prevalent among the young and old. Society has become affluent, so people prefer expensive, sugary desserts. So the fact that there are more people with the signs of high blood sugar than before is not surprising. If diabetes and hyperglycemia run in your family, take some time to understand its causes and…

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Yellow Toenails Liver Thyroid

What Yellow Nails Can Tell You about Your Liver, Thyroid and More

Many people suffer from yellow nails. It's a very common issue that affects normal people, and shouldn't be ignored. The color can be a sign of bigger and deeper health problems. Even if your nails aren't completely yellow, but you have noticed a yellow tint to them, it could be a sign that something needs to be done and the white of the…

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Home Remedies for Itchy Sunburn

10 Best Home Remedies for Itchy Sunburn

Itchy sunburn is a serious problem if you aren't careful, but there are some natural ways to treat it before you decide to go to the doctor. We all love the sun. It makes us happy. Laying out in the sun is relaxing, and can even be good for your health. But it can be too much, and indulging in the sun's rays…

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What Your Feet Say about Your Health: 10 Warning Things to Pay Attention to

What Your Feet Say about Your Health: 10 Warning Things to Pay Attention to

Knowing and understanding what your feet say about your health can really help you to learn more about your body. Whether you are experiencing pain in your feet or have simply noticed something unusual about their appearance, there might be another reason why. Your feet are so inextricably linked to your body and any symptoms that you might be feeling could be a…

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Difference between a headache and a migraine and how to prevent both

What Is the Difference between a Headache and a Migraine & How to Prevent Both?

There is a basic difference between a headache and a migraine. Almost all of us experience a headache from time to time, which is a normal thing and can be caused by various relatively harmless and understandable things, such as tiredness or an extra glass of wine the night before. When you are experiencing pressure or pain in your head, it can be…

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How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins

How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins with These Simple Natural Remedies

Varicose veins is a painful and difficult condition to deal with. Many people that suffer from the issue suffer in silence, finding ways to alleviate the pain but rarely ways to get to the heart of the issue and rid it for good. What is the cause of Varicose Veins? There are a number of reasons why people suffer from the crippling disease. The…

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Sedentary Lifestyle Giving Hunchback

How Sedentary Lifestyle Is Giving You a Hunchback and What to Do about It

Even if you sit comfortably at your desk, a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of developing a hunchback. Unfortunately, in today's modern world, most of us spend most of our days slumped over a computer desk at work and our evenings bent over looking at our devices. There is very little time when we aren't in this fatal position. We all operate like…

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Get Rid of Neck and Shoulder Pain

Get Rid of Neck and Shoulder Pain with This 2-Minute Exercise

Do you work in an office setting where you are expected to sit down, glued to your computer for the better part of the day? Most of you hate to admit that despite the fact that this pays your bills at the end of the day; it can be a bit overwhelming. You end up going home with a stiff neck and probably shoulder…

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