Diseases and health conditions with the description of their symptoms, causes and treatment options. Suggestions for managing them and finding relief.
Exercises and stretches help us feel physically fit, but we're often too busy to do them. Our fast-paced lifestyles often make exercising difficult. Here are a few simple upper back stretches that you can execute right from your office desk. Why It's Important to Work Out and Stretch Your Upper Back Physical exercise keeps us energized and feeling in top form. Of course, there are…
Natural DHT blockers are foods that can reduce and prevent hair loss if consumed on a regular basis. Hair loss is something that we will all face at some point, thanks to growing old. However, there are many people out there who suffer from premature hair loss. If you are one of these people, then this article may interest you. We highlight so-called…
Nephrolithiasis is the accumulation of stones in the kidneys and this condition can be relieved with the help of fitness exercises. It’s common knowledge that exercises are necessary for your body to stay fit and trim. Fitness exercises can promote better blood circulation, enhance excretion of toxic waste products, help strengthen the immune system, and improve respiration. In the case of nephrolithiasis, light…
Take a close look at colorectal cancer statistics, and you will notice that they are lower in some nations than others. Avoiding cancer is every person's top priority. So what can we learn from these nations? Research Shows That Colorectal Cancer Statistics Are Low In Some Countries Cancer is a life-changing disease that stupefies anyone. The difference in the rates of metastasis between…
People, women, in particular, have wondered what causes bags under their eyes since time began. Eye bags are, for want of a better word, an eyesore. No one wants to resemble a panda when they meet their colleagues at work. It would help if we knew why they appear and how to get rid of these unsightly dark areas on our faces. 3…
Do you look at the floor and gasp because you see frightening clumps of hair? Perhaps you are eating too many foods that cause hair loss. Fret not because there are foods that protect your crowning glory. You may attribute hair loss to a poor diet. Life Advancer introduces you to the foods that cause hair loss, and to those that stop it.…
It's frustrating when your knees or limbs hurt. The problem of joint pain is complex and disturbing. When it comes to coming up with treatments, medical science has to make strides. So what causes those aches in our knees, and is there a way to get joint pain relief naturally? Causes of Joint Pain Damage to the joints will cause pain and impede your movements.…
If you experience a stinging sensation along your spine, you're probably experiencing upper back pain. It can be unbearable, but the good news is that you can relieve it. There are exercises you can do while you're hard at work at the office. What Is Upper Back Pain? According to the National Institue of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, back pain is the second…