Things to Stop Doing to Yourself

30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself

As Maria Robinson once said, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Nothing could be closer to the truth. But before you can begin this process of transformation, you have to stop doing the things that have been holding you back. Here are some ideas to get you started: 1. Stop…

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Eating Meat Again

Why I’m Eating Meat Again & Loving It

As I'm writing this article, I know that I'm going to receive criticism. However, I feel it is my duty as a certified health and life coach to be authentic and speak my truth so that others out there who feel the same can be confident in their lifestyle choices and maybe even start voicing them to the world as well. For more…

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Have An Adventurous Life

4 Ways To Have An Adventurous Life (Without Going Anywhere!)

Don’t we all want some form of an adventurous life? This could mean a luxurious hotel in Vegas, new hiking trails somewhere nearby, a dirty hostel in Berlin, the amusement park in the next town over, or even trying a new restaurant. This past weekend, I took a road trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Nothing ground-breaking happened with the logistics or…

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Ways To End Your Day Feeling Great

7 Ways To End Your Day Feeling Great!

I've found that many of my clients in today's fast-paced, hyperproductive world feel like they are on a treadmill of neverending tasks and obligations. They never get off that treadmill and wake up 10 years later wondering what the past decade was all about. So here's a pop quiz: At the end of the day, do you typically feel, a. Anxious and dissatisfied…

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Ways To Level Up in this Game Called Life

15 Ways To Level Up in this Game Called Life

Life is a game. And like in video games, you can level up. It’s kind of similar, no? In games, you gain experience points by killing monsters, traversing the world map, completing missions and defeating the tough, final bosses in their final form. Well, you can’t do any of that in real life. But you do gain experience points. It’s just a matter…

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Relieve Headaches Naturally

How to Relieve Headaches Naturally with 5 Lifestyle Changes

If you're plagued by headaches, it's well worth the energy to play detective and see if you can support your body’s natural systems to alleviate the problem. Before we talk about the ways to relieve this persistent issue naturally, ask yourself the following questions: When do your headaches occur? What happened before? What did you eat? To get you started, here are five…

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Boost Confidence and Create Success

4 Ways to Boost Your Confidence and Create Success

Each us deserves to be comfortable in our own skin and have the confidence to pursue our dreams. Confidence does not mean seeing yourself as infallible or above others; it means accepting yourself for who you are and what you love; it’s trusting yourself enough to take risks in order to grow and reach your goals. We all have the potential for this…

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Live a Good Life

How Do You Really Live a Good Life?

This is the question that I have most asked myself down the years. What is life, and what makes for a good life? My way of thinking is that I always try and start with the foundations of an idea first and then work through the details. A lot of people seem to get stuck into the details first without any care for the…

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