how to Make a Relationship Last

How to Make a Relationship Last? 3 Things to Do & 7 to Avoid

A long-term relationship is not something just for the movies. If you want to know how to make a relationship last, you can do it in your day to day life, with easy steps. When it comes to love, there is no set rule to follow, there are no guidelines that will fit every situation, which is when people get into trouble. However,…

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Yoga For Your Winter Tune Up

This Is Why Winter Yoga Should Become a Part of Your Life

While many are picking up expensive gym memberships, and enrolling at name-brand studios to get started on their new year's resolution. Here’s a tip, you don’t have to! Try winter yoga instead! Yoga is an incredibly beneficial exercise for your winter tune-up. No matter your age, ailments, or previous health issues, yoga can help you become fit without breaking your bank (or touching…

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steps to becoming successful

5 Steps to Becoming Successful and Achieving Your Goals

Becoming successful is not a hard task, all it takes is determination and steadfastness. There is no secret formula; no luck involved. In fact, you can turn your life around right now by taking simple steps that we outline here. One thing to keep in mind is that overnight success stories burnout for a reason, they are incredibly unstable. If you build your…

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strong relationship

5 Basic Building Blocks of a Strong Relationship

No matter what situation you are in, a strong relationship is always a bit of a gray matter area. While some say that they can predict the future, love is not an easily charted path as some would like to believe. That is not to say that there are no tips in order to improve, and ensure your relationship has the best possible…

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Things to Let Go Off This Year

7 Things to Let Go of to Start the New Year Off Right!

As the new year is about to come, take a moment to think back about everything that has happened in the ending year that has led you to be where you are at this exact second. Are you happy with your situation? Most of us will say yes when in all reality there is something negative we are holding on to. There are…

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You really can change your DNA

Proven by Science: You Can Actually Change Your DNA and Here’s How

DNA generally can’t be changed, right? We are the way we are, we have a set genetic makeup that we can’t alter? Wrong. The science of epigenetics (the study of how environmental factors outside of DNA influence changes in gene expression) have proved that stem cells and DNA can possibly be altered. This can be done through magnetic fields, heart coherence, positive mental states,…

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Music Affects and Benefits our Brains

8 Surprising Ways Music Affects and Benefits our Brains

Music is everywhere we turn, playing a big part in all of our lives – but how does it really affect our brains and our bodies? “Without music, life would be a mistake” – Friedrich Nietzsche 1. Happy or sad music affects our ability to see neutral faces: Generally, when we hear a sad song, we can identify that it sounds sad and…

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Salt and sugar Food Additives

Top 2 Food Additives that are Stealing Years from Your Life

Taking about food additives and preservatives and the impact they can have on our health serves as an information source to warn readers of the hazards they present. Two of the most dangerous food additives are the most common. Although you’ll be aware they’re bad for your health, you may not be aware of the reasons why sugar and refined salt are the…

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